The online racing simulator
S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl
(56 posts, started )
Quote from Madman_CZ :i am running stalker on:

athlon xp 2600+ 2.06Ghz
asus a7n8x motherboard
Ati Radeon 9800pro
1 gig of ram

I am playing the game at 1400x1050 with 4x anti aliasing and 4x anisotropic filtering.

I have Stalker on medium settings, its runs quite well but sometimes it does have hicups like when you enter the map view it takes a while to load up, sometimes there is stutter as texture load into memory but its not too bad... i am reluctant to reduce the resolution but it plays even beter at 1280x960

Hmm pretty much the same, but no way near the performance settings, big fire fights (when fighting the militry when getting the first secret document) the bar is stupidly bad :/. And thats at 1024x768 with no aa or af on low with a few adjustments to make it lower :X. oh well might try wacking up the graphics and see if i get the same results.

Nearest game this seems to come close too is system shock2, which was alot scarier (one of the scariest games ive played).
LOL if I want to play a decent FPS, I just have to go outside.....
I dunno to me those games are really boring. especially after beta testing my buddies controller he invented.

I saw this stand up comic once. He said he would like to make a video game
where you're a doctor in an online emergency room, treating the shooting victims from all the other FPS games. Now THAT would be cool.
Quote from fragile_dog :Hmm pretty much the same, but no way near the performance settings, big fire fights (when fighting the militry when getting the first secret document) the bar is stupidly bad :/. And thats at 1024x768 with no aa or af on low with a few adjustments to make it lower :X. oh well might try wacking up the graphics and see if i get the same results.

Nearest game this seems to come close too is system shock2, which was alot scarier (one of the scariest games ive played).

Hmm thats very strange, my computer was only sluggish
****possible spoiler******
in the lab 19 section where you go up around the psy becon, there were too many polygons to render so it was very slow mo but i got through it and killed the poltergeist and got myself out of that freaky space.
****end of possible spoiler******

Does anyone know whether you actually die from getting hungry? I have started to get hungry and the hunger icon is now red!!!! went from green to yellow then red but no food around to eat .....

Does anyone here play multiplayer? maybe we can organise S.T.A.L.K.E.R - L.F.S multiplayer sessions

I have heard that there is a patch that came out yesterday, has anyone seen any improvements with the game??

I have just read that previous saved games wont work with the patch!!! hmm that sucks a bit!

Will have to wait until I get home to try it all out
Quote from spankmeyer :Hahahahahahaha.


Get Operation Flashpoint or die tryin'.

I played OFP: Cold War Crisis, OFP: Red Hammer, OFP: Resistance, ArmA

But, read what I posted:
"in post-soviet countries"

Czechoslovakia (which is Czech rep. and Slovakia now) wasn't in the USSR

Stalker is a glitchy bitchy, dammit, there are lots of texture bugs, mesh bugs in some locations etc, etc.
#30 - Smax
I am really enjoying playing this game.

The fact that you do not feel as though the game is set in a narrow drainpipe with event triggers every once in a while which spawn a bad guy or make the ceiling collapse gives the freedom to do as you please when you please.

The fact that you can carry 60kg and no more [if you want to be able to move] is great too. It's up to you what items make up that 60kg... if you wanna carry eleventy weapons go for it, just don't expect to be able to carry an ammunition

What I'm trying to put across is that playing Stalker is unlike playing other games in the genre because of the freedom to play how you want to, not how it was designed to make you play.

I am a little disappointed that features which were supposed to have been included seem to have been canned [presumably by a publisher who wanted to get it to market at some point]. I remember seeing videos suggesting it had drivable vehicles and reading reviews saying that the multiplayer would simply be an extension of the singleplayer and would have that same freedom of the RPG/FPS mixture over the whole 30km playing space.

I think for me it could well be the game of the year, despite the fact that I am beginning to re-tread the same ground several times as I move from place to place, and once you get a decent assault rifle it's not actually very difficult provided you're prepared to think about what you're about to do before you do it. Ok so it's not prefect - show me something which is.

I'll be trying the multiplayer and if it lives up to expectations then I can see me putting lots of time into it, since MP FPS gaming is my first love and ever since the UT and Far Cry communities disappeared up their own arses I've been looking for a new shooter to play online.
I'm hoping my copy will be with my tomorrow. I was supposed to have it before launch, but still don't have it. I emailed the chick at THQ today and it turns out they'd lost my address details (and didn't think to email me back to ask for them).
So she said she'd get it sent today and it should be with me "in time for the weekend". I'm really looking forward to it, and especially now with the discussion in this thread.
This game passed under the radar for me. Sounds a bit spooky. Ah, I don't care. I'm only looking forward to Spore.
Quote from Hyperactive :I remember reading from somewhere that it will be a game console only

Not so sure about it but I would really hate to see Fallout 3 being just another 3d hack&slash rpg with kool graphics and nice and fluffy world

I think Bethseda is clever ... so, they will do PC version too.
Yeah it certainly looks interesting, it will be interesting to see whether it is true or not. I am surprised that after 6 years of production all they would do is simply rip stuff from other games.... or maybe they just got so fed up of working on Stalker they just said.. ahh feck it, lets just use doom and half life 2 lol

it would be a shame if GSC are found guilty as i think they have something really good with Stalker...
Well, STALKER just brought out my first BSOD in.. like 8 years after installing the new patch.
So far logged 43 hours in STALKER with the patch. Only one crash, and it was a Xfire issue, not the game.
Loving it so far though. Decided not to rush through the story, so I'll probably still be playing it in another 43 hours

I also can't wait to see what the modding community comes up with for it.
Quote from Dajmin :So far logged 43 hours in STALKER with the patch. Only one crash, and it was a Xfire issue, not the game.
Loving it so far though. Decided to to rush through the story, so I'll probably still be playing it in another 43 hours

I also can't wait to see what the modding community comes up with for it.

Yeah there are a few mods out already posted on their official forum

Vehicle mod
Darker Nights mod
Realism mod

Just to mention the few gd ones

I especially like the darker nights!!! its is amazing... now instead of the game just going slighly dimmer it goes completely dark so you cant see anything at all apart from your torch light, the guy who made this small mod also extended the torch light to 40m instead of the 13m so you see more otherwise you would be totally blind at night. He also made the night last longer from 10pm to 5am instead of 12am to 2am which was just way too short. But the mod does add nice atmosphere to the night as you have to be more weary and when things jump out at you, you will crap yourself!..


Vehicle mod is also quite cool though not quite finished, you can drive but few small hits into objects causes the car to blow up, and when you load a new area vehicle does not get loaded with you.

I haven't tried the realism mod but I have heard its good, makes you take more weapons, makes headshots more accurate, you have to repair your armour which degrades as well as your weapons...

Game will certainly get better and better as the bugs are fixed and sdk is released..

Quote from Madman_CZ :Yeah there are a few mods out already posted on their official forum

Vehicle mod
Darker Nights mod
Realism mod

Just to mention the few gd ones

I especially like the darker nights!!! its is amazing... now instead of the game just going slighly dimmer it goes completely dark so you cant see anything at all apart from your torch light, the guy who made this small mod also extended the torch light to 40m instead of the 13m so you see more otherwise you would be totally blind at night. He also made the night last longer from 10pm to 5am instead of 12am to 2am which was just way too short. But the mod does add nice atmosphere to the night as you have to be more weary and when things jump out at you, you will crap yourself!..


Vehicle mod is also quite cool though not quite finished, you can drive but few small hits into objects causes the car to blow up, and when you load a new area vehicle does not get loaded with you.

I haven't tried the realism mod but I have heard its good, makes you take more weapons, makes headshots more accurate, you have to repair your armour which degrades as well as your weapons...

Game will certainly get better and better as the bugs are fixed and sdk is released..


Can you pls post url on first first two mods? :o
I'd appreciate the URLs too, since the ones listed at sound pretty boring (and are basically just plans).

But what I'm really hoping for is a total exploitation of the A-Life system. Maybe even something less combat-oriented. I have some good ideas for mods, but I can't even work the Source editor, so there's no hope me trying to figure this out
Here are the links:

Reality Enhancement mod Beta3
Stalker Realism Pro 0.08b
Dream Mod v0.1
Vehicle Mod 1.0 - Video link
Darker Nights - read through thread, file posted later in thread which improves the day to night changes.. some guy made the night last longer..... which is a lot improved over the original mod file posted in the first post, think its page 6
Realistic looking weapons mod

I haven't tried all of the mods yet, still working on it..... but that forum has mods all over... there is even a mod that makes you limb when you are really injured by gunfire..

game is just soooo gooooood!

Thanks for the links madman you rock! I was extremely disappointed when i finished the game these mods should bring the game closer to what they promised.
Darker mod looks great. And... scary
Quote from Itar (CZ) :Darker mod looks great. And... scary

Yeah, it ads to the atmosphere in the game, makes is very spooky!
Damn thing's creepy enough as it is

I've not finished yet, and I just reached the NPP, although it was bloody hard work. No spoilers!

The thing is, I really need to go back and buy a new suit (and an assload of ammo), but I'm not sure if I'd even make it

Oh yes, and it looks like the devs might be in a bit of trouble in the near future...
Quote from Dajmin :
Oh yes, and it looks like the devs might be in a bit of trouble in the near future...

Is that with the possible texture 'stealing' from Valve and Quake?

It does seem like a very interesting game, it will certainly be a future purchase.

How does the spooky/scary feel to Doom 3? Because at some points that game was rather jumpy for me (yes I am a big girl!)

Yes it's because of the alledged asset stealing. But I think that it's more likely all 3 games just purchased them from the same 3rd party developer. I'm sure time will tell

I've never played Doom3, but if you've played HalfLife2 I think a lot of it feels very similar to the Ravenholm section. That had me physically jump a couple of times the first run through of the game. Playing STALKER gives me a permanent tingle in my spine, because you don't really know what's going to happen next. Which is a good thing.

The (frankly amazing) AI fights amongst itself, so you never know when you get somewhere whether it will be allies or enemies in control of checkpoints or roadblocks. So extra tension if you're not on your guard at all times.

The environments are very well designed, although the underground bunkers do all look a little similar (not really a shock though). The choice of weapons is good, although because you have a weight restriction, you can't carry them all. And where I am in the game, ammo is becoming very short.

The idea of factions I've not yet explored, since this is my first run through, but apparently you can chose which side you want to ally with. I ended up with one simply because it was the only option available to me at that time and I wanted the mission

I've almost hit 50 hours of play and covered very little ground twice (other than physically running back and forward to speak to people). I'm actually thinking of heading back out of the area I'm in to pick up replacement armour, and if I can make it past the guys trying to kill me I should be able to - the main missions tell a linear story, but you can stop in the middle and go back to do other things if you want. It's nice and you-specific.

I heartily recommend it. Heartily. And my one piece of advice is this - save OFTEN!
My plan is to get a copy off eBay as there seems to plenty of them for around 15-20 quid.
From what i have read the textures that match those from other games have only been found in the folders they havent been found to be used in game yet. They were most likely used as placeholder textures before they made their own.
dont know about bunker and stuff like that textures, but from what I know (seen a video report) they really went to Chernobyl, Pripyat and even under the sarcophagus to get the idea of the atmosphere there and to get textures for ground levels
Darker night mod installed... this is the first time in the game I preferred to stay close to the villages or better yet - not to leave them - it's spooky

S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl
(56 posts, started )