The online racing simulator
where did the test patch forum go ?
(33 posts, closed, started )
where did the test patch forum go ?
Just curious - was it pulled for a reason, or am I missing something ?
#2 - col
too many feature requests being posted and discussed
Quote from col :too many feature requests being posted and discussed

As normal seems alot of LFSer's just can't help themselves
I believe it appears when it needs to appear (when a new test patch is released) and is then moved into hiding to keep people from asking for new stuff.
It didn't go anywhere really, it's still here, only it's hidden from view (in the main forum tree) and completely closed from posting by anyone (unlike a closed thread, which doesn't affect mods).
It will be re-opened when the next test version is ready for release.

Some of you guys need to learn and respect the First Post and do as it says. No feature requests etc. in the Patch Test forum.

Read the first post and respect it. It's very simple
#7 - ste_
Yeah, i don't blame Scawen for closing it off for the time being. People don't seem to be able to read the first post and follow its instructions, or can't be bothered to read what's already been posted before jumping in with their post.
#8 - SamH
Okay so definitely a lot of people weren't following the path of enlightenment, and were posting bug reports that'd already been noted, but more than anything I gather Scawen just has enough bug reports to be going on with.

The patch thread was definitely getting unruly, but rather than waste time cleaning it up (which Scawen does himself.. the mods leave the test forum alone, mostly) that time can be better spent actually splatting the bugs
Alright, so what happens if people have legitimate concerns and bug reports?
#10 - wien
Quote from XenoWolf :Alright, so what happens if people have legitimate concerns and bug reports?

They wait until the next test patch is released, see if the problem has been fixed and if it's not, notify Scawen in the new thread. Simple really.
#11 - Woz
Quote from XenoWolf :Alright, so what happens if people have legitimate concerns and bug reports?

Wait for the next test patch. Chances are that your concerns will already have been posted by someone else.
Why doesn't someone with mod powers filter those threads to help out Scawen?
No, it would be a full time job - what was it, 12 pages in 48 hours? And I'm not asking any moderator to do that, specially as I should be the judge of whether something is relevant or not to "my" test patch. Mods do sometimes clean out what is blatantly off topic in there. Our mods are not paid you know, they are volunteers and I don't intend to make their life a misery - they are constantly trying to stay sane while wading through spam around here - some people are maybe a bit too young and excitable to think before they write.

It can get a bit annoying when it just gets repetitive in there but for a while, the thread was useful. Eventually when there is 10 times more spam than useful content, it's not worth my while reading the thread, i.e. it doesn't help, and the test patch forum's sole purpose is to help me get rid of bugs. So it was time to close it, and I guess the same thing will happen again and again - the more spam, the quicker the forum will close.

Anyway for interest you may like to see my list of bug reports from the forum, I look forward to getting stuck into this lot!

weight flashing?

incorrect false start, not in replay? (some pen, some spec)

falsely spectated for false start (mpr)

Qualification : False Start (sent to Spec can't reproduce)

Similar - joining in a standing grid produces false start?

can quickly pit and return to grid to remove a false start

shouldn't be given drive-through on tracks with no pit lane

crash in setup list?

mrt flying about

lfsw takes false start drag as an acceptable pb

reproducable : empty server can say "a race is starting"

that could be when changing track and not starting...?

admin request : show kick/ban buttons even if /vote=no

leagues request : include handicaps to hotlaps header

"Rubber dark" resets itself every time?

Left rear tyre temps covered by lagometer :

Spectators need to say "ok" to start a race?

No need for handicaps in demo cars

Admin can't kick/ban in demo (could not find connection 1's client info)
great stuff scawen, and good luck!
Yep Scawen, I know and agree with all that, except with that moderating is an annoying task.. I know what you mean by it, but I don't think it's right. Doing your best at something is all that's required for a clear conscience.. Why would you burden your conscience with something someone else did? Any time you spend time thinking about something else than what you want, is an amount of time not spent thinking of what you do want, and getting closer to it.
The only annoyance I would know would be not having clear rules to follow. Not being in your head to know your opinion on any given post doesn't leave many posts to moderate, but in that last thread, a fair number of them were obviously off topic.
Just moving all the posts devoid of bug reports or particularly pertinent suggestions to a separate thread wouldn't be either annoying or complicated; except for you, obviously, if it was done wrong.

It certainly would have helped at least a little, in this case.
Good luck with all that work..
Quote from Burnzoire :great stuff scawen, and good luck!

And thank you, for delivering the perfect example for spam and why test patch forum got closed
Quote from Vykos69 :And thank you, for delivering the perfect example for spam and why test patch forum got closed

You know that's not true, Vykos. The test patch forum was certainly not closed because of the occasional "thank you"-post. It was closed because there were endless discussions and requests about handbrakes, handicaps, car-resetting and whatnot.
I would suggest a simple "this is a TEST PATCH THREAD - do you really want to post" popup before posting in the testpatch board

And of course it was not closed because of the "thank you"-posts, but they do bloat the thread unnessecarily*.

*spelling sucks
Quote from Bob Smith :It didn't go anywhere really, it's still here, only it's hidden from view (in the main forum tree) and completely closed from posting by anyone (unlike a closed thread, which doesn't affect mods).

ok, but they at least should let us download the newer versions. and what happened with the S1???
The download link is there is you want to try W9, just follow Bob Smith's link.

What happened to S1? I don't know, what do you think happened to it?

S1 is improved, it now allows as many racers online as S2. There probably aren't many S1 W9 hosts up now but there definitely will be when we get to patch X.
Quote from Live For Kill :what happened with the S1???

Nothing it is still there its just no one is on S1 in W9 at the moment.

Not many on anywhere in W9 at the moment

Whoa just when I thought there was no moderators around LOL Scawen is lurking and strikes fast
Quote from Scawen :
What happened to S1? I don't know, what do you think happened to it?

S1 is improved, it now allows as many racers online as S2. There probably aren't many S1 W9 hosts up now but there definitely will be when we get to patch X.

there are about 1 (working) server, and about 0 player, all time when im on... it was extremely problem, when there were no server for the S1, because somehow the hosters (dedi and ingame) not really working (not responding for all the time, so no one could join). so the S1 players, lost, disappeared, died like the dinosaurs, etc...
any reason why a few couldnt unlock W9? i had to unlock before applying the W9 patch
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where did the test patch forum go ?
(33 posts, closed, started )