Legs & Soap
(57 posts, started )

Poll : How do you sanitize your legs?

Hard soap / leg contact for sure!
Drippings are sufficient for legs!
Washing is for sissies!
I bath, not shower. (I am odd)
I use a power washer, soap is not necessary.
Legs & Soap
Right then,

So when you're showering... Do you go out of your way to manually soap up your legs with direct soap -> leg contact, or rather do you rely on the flow of soapy water over your legs to do the job?

Being in a hurry most of the time, I noted the other day that I tend to let everything below the.... important area.... get neglected in terms of "hard contact" with the soap bar etc. Of course, I don't work in the dirt or anything and would obviously modify my routine when necessary.
i just let the water go wash it. I'm too lazy to find the bar of soap. I don't think that much what is flowing off your body until your legs, so it seems to work.
#3 - Rish
Right.... this is the wierdest poll i have ever took part in. You must have way too much time on your hands! Anyway direct contact between soap and legs is needed in my case!
I'm afraid that I'm odd. I do wash them with soap though :S
#5 - joen
Drippings ftw
#6 - Rish
I dont think drippings is enough! How do you wash your feet? drippings? Surley he drippings are, well dirty drippings! It's like using second hand soap!
Soap, by it's very nature, is clean!
Drippings is fine...If prefer not having ass-to-wall contact, which is necessary in my bathtub if you want to lean over to wash them
Although in the summer when its hot and you wear shorts you have to wash your feet too...
#9 - Rish
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :Soap, by it's very nature, is clean!

Yeah but thats my point exactly, most peole here are not saying they use soap but that they use "Dippings".
I smell.
But those drippings have high soap content, from the lather produced in the upper-body wash phase.
#12 - axus
I'm assuming power washer means shower gel and the like but I'm not sure. On second thought, I should have asked first. This could end up being embarrassing.
#14 - Rish
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :But those drippings have high soap content, from the lather produced in the upper-body wash phase.

and all the dirt and not so clean stuff that you've just washed off your upper body!! This is why i dont bath i shower, the thought of cleaning myself in my own scum is not nice!
Being a mechanic/DIYer/engineer/general all round dirty person, I tend to for for direct soap bar contact on legs. I'll confess my actual feet don't get the attention they should though.

But I am a bit advocate for baths too, if I have the time or am in need of the additional relaxation that a bath and a good book can provide
#16 - axus

Well, at least someone joined me with a sympathy vote.
#17 - joen
Quote from Rish :and all the dirt and not so clean stuff that you've just washed off your upper body!!

So? It's not going to stick on your body halfway...it will just drip off your body taking more dirt along it's way.
im afraid im odd too
depends on your hygiene likeness. too "manly" not to bother taking a shower is a must
what a funny poll,

i must say i dont use direct soap on my legs but i use showergel directly on them, i dont even think i have a bar of soap in the house? my missus loves squirty hand wash n stuff like that.
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :Right then,

So when you're showering... Do you go out of your way to manually soap up your legs with direct soap -> leg contact, or rather do you rely on the flow of soapy water over your legs to do the job?

Being in a hurry most of the time, I noted the other day that I tend to let everything below the.... important area.... get neglected in terms of "hard contact" with the soap bar etc. Of course, I don't work in the dirt or anything and would obviously modify my routine when necessary.

Recently, I only rated you 7% more sexier than Dawedust12, but after this thread, yes, you now get that extra 0.

drippings ftw. plus a scrubby shower mat thing that CATCHES the drippings and allows one to scrub their feet without having to lean over...
I now have some bad mental images happening! Hopefully I'm not scarred for life!

About the power washer...just make sure you use the nozzle that doesn't slice open skin.
im starting to get why a (girl) friend of mine claims that all mens feet stink
on that note im happy i dont have to smell bbts and tristans feet

and as you might have figured out by what i already wrote yes i do use soap directly on my legs and feet for the obvious reason of rather not smelling like a dead eel
and yes "mief" _does_ say something about character

Legs & Soap
(57 posts, started )