To all the people saying
"my low end pc +/- 3.0Ghz + Geforce 5.x, 6.x, 7.x - series has trouble running this game "
- This is not a low end. After 1 year your rig is already outdated and has trouble to run this game? Come on...
- A pc is not a console, so you need to configure your pc to run games, applications etc... properly
I'm running this game on 2 pc's without problems:
AMD 1800XP
768 SDRam 266Mhz
Geforce 3 TI200
1024 * 768 resolution, no AA or AF
Full starting grid: +/- 25FPS
In race: 40 - 80fps
Ok, the gfx are not the best on this pc, but a simulation is all about the experience, not?
After the latest patch (W for me) the fps went up with +/- 10-15fps
AMD 4400 Dual Core
3 Gig DDR 400Mhz
Nvidia 7800GT 256DDR
1280 * 1024 resolution, max AntiAliasing and full Anisotropic Filtering
Full starting grid: +/- 60-70fps
In race: 90-140fps
Also on this pc, after the latest patch (W for me) the fps went up with +/- 10-15fps, way to go devs
All the people having a rig between (or lower and higher) these 2 of mine, must be able to run the game without any problem on a descent framerate.
Maybe not on the highest gfx settings, but it's a simulation people.
Sims are not meant to have the greatest eye-candy imo.
Nowadays people are focused too much on gfx. You can see the results on the (PC) games-market: Great looking games, the newest effects etc... but NO playability.
Just be happy this game still runs on older systems with having a great experience. After every patch the frames go up instead of down. This is a lesson other gamedevs could learn from.
Congrats to the LFS dev team, you're doing a hell of a job to keep everyone (not only the people with the latest fancy hardware) happy and playing this baby
Just the 2 cents of a person who grow up in the 80's with the Atari, Commodore gfx games...