The online racing simulator
Standardized Racing Conduct Agreement
Hey racers, after following a few threads regarding standard race conduct & rules I think it's time to start fleshing this idea out sooooo, to get the ball "officially" rolling, please start posting some ideas you'd like to see incorporated into a standardized rule / conduct document.

As a reference take a look at these:
LFS Marshal Community:
blue flag: ... 6&highlight=blue+flag,
and ... 4&highlight=blue+flag,
and ... 5&highlight=blue+flag

BTW I think we also need to agree on some definitions:
  • track area
    • All asphalt or concrete (grass, sand etc… are off track)
  • series start
    • 0:00.00hrs of the day of the first race
  • Event
    • Race events run from start of the formation lap, or as soon as the engines are started on the grid and are completed when the last car has crossed the finish line
    • Qualify events run from the start of the qualify session timer and are completed when the last car has crossed the finish line
As a quick start, here's what I got so far, have at it:

1. Teams
1.1. Endurance Team
1.1.1. Will consist of a maximum of 6 members, designated at registration as follows:
· “Small Team” of 2 drivers
· “Large Team” of 4 drivers & 2 spares
1.2. Endurance Privateer Team
1.2.1. Single drivers are welcome to join. All single drivers will be listed as such and their contact information may be made available. Single drivers are seen as free agents until the initial race date. During the time period of sign-up through to initial race date free agents are encouraged to either form teams as per section 1.1.1 of other free agents or they may be drafted onto other established teams provided the result of such drafting is in accordance with section 1.1.1.
1.3. Sprint Team
1.3.1. Will consist of a maximum of 3 cars, designated at registration.
· At no time during an event are more that 3 cars from any given team allowed on the track area.
1.4. Team Regulations After Series Start
1.4.1. Teams are deemed set once the series start time has been reached.
2. Series Participation
2.1.1. Drivers may only participate in series races as a member of their own team.
· In the event that a team would have to forfeit a race due to a contradiction of section 1.1.1, then designated spares may be hired out on a per event bases from any team willing to make their designated spares available. This availability option must be made public at the time of registration.
2.1.2. Designated spares driving for teams other than their registration team are deemed as members of their temporary team for the entire period of the event.
· All team points gained by a hired spare go to the hiring team on a per event basis.
· Individual points gained by hired spares go to the individual driver.
· Infractions incurred by a hired spare are assessed against the driver only. In the event a hired spare incurs a serious enough infraction that would be assessed against his entire team, the penalty will be assessed against the team said driver registered with and not against the hiring team.
2.1.3. Teams may enter the series using a maximum of 2 cars per team. Team cars do not have to be the same make or class. Specific make & class selections will be as per the series registration process.
2.1.4. All participants must use the prescribed number plate & any other series graphic as provided by the administration.
3. Events
3.1. General Conduct
3.1.1. All decisions made by the series administration are final.
3.1.2. Series administration staff may participate in an event as a competitor. As such they forfeit their control of the series for 1 hour before & after the event to the marshalling staff. Series administration may compete or marshal, not both.
3.1.3. LFSMC staff may participate in an event as a competitor. As such they forfeit their LFSMC staff status for 1 hour before & after the event. LFSMC staff may compete or marshal, not both.
3.1.4. Events are run & controlled completely by the marshalling staff. All direction given during an event by the marshals will be in full caps and will be presented to the competitors in the following manner, where CAR # is the car number of the driver (not the qualifying position) being addressed, COMMENTS are the direction, ruling or instructions of the marshalling staff and # LAPS is the time allotted to perform the instructions. (if # LAPS is not given then it is to be understood that the instructions must be performed before the leader completes their last lap.)
3.1.5. There will be no text chatting whatsoever during an event, with the exception of the marshalling staff.
3.1.6. All voice communication must be done on dedicated team channels. The public broadcast channel is for marshalling use only. A dedicated channel for marshals must be provided. Dedicated channels are for their respective members only.
3.2. Point System
3.3. Disconnect Policy
3.4. Sessions, Lengths & Start Times
3.5. Qualifying Procedures
3.6. Start Procedures
3.7. Pitting Procedures
3.8. Flags & Procedures
3.9. Safety Car Procedures
3.10. Passing & Lapped Traffic Procedures
3.11. Incidents & Penalties Procedures
3.11.1. During an Event
3.11.2. After Event Reporting
3.12. Endurance Races
3.12.1. No driver may travel more than 1/2 race distance.
3.12.2. No stint may be longer than 100km. or 60minutes, whichever is longer.
3.12.3. Driver changes may only take a time generally equivalent to 1 lap to be completed at which time the out-going driver must leave the server. Teams must make all necessary preparations to ensure that incoming drivers are aware of when to join the event server to ensure that the incoming driver does not join until the current driver has started their in-lap.
#3 - garph
Woooo, back up there my man, is this for a league you're going to start or for LFS in general?
I think it is meant to be seen as a standard league reglement everyone may use and / or extend. A template, basically.

EDIT: that is, by the way, very well written
Quote from St4Lk3R :I think it is meant to be seen as a standard league reglement everyone may use and / or extend. A template, basically.

Based on the discussion this generates, I'll update as we go and at some point publish it to the wiki
Looks like some interesting rules but and maybe some leagues will take them on but i don't think that all leagues will use them if that is/was your idea.

Rules look very professional so maybe a league could be made from these which would be stricter than some leagues.
Just my several tuppences.

1.1 - Endurance team

Endurance teams must comprise

Up to 4 hours/750km Min : 2, Max : 3
Up to 10 hours/1500km Min : 3, Max : 4
10 hours/1500km or more Min : 3, Max : 6.


Firstly, what is a sprint race? IMO there should be no car limit per team, that should be the individual league's call.


Stints should IMO be limited to 90 minutes, not 60. And the no more than 50% should be 75% for races up to and including 4 hours.

In FIA GT you can have only two drivers, and they race for 3 hours.

Designated spares

No thanks, IMO teams should find their own spares.
i think that 1.1 is fine, but i agree on 3.12
#9 - bbman
If it should be used as a template, I'd refrain from using any specific details, such as what makes an endurance/sprint team... That's really for the organisers to decide... I'd more go towards a general description and rules such as racing etiquette, flags and so on...
Quote from bbman :If it should be used as a template, I'd refrain from using any specific details, such as what makes an endurance/sprint team... That's really for the organisers to decide... I'd more go towards a general description and rules such as racing etiquette, flags and so on...

yeh that was my intent...i got a bit sidetracked as i read through an earlier draft