The online racing simulator

Poll : Do you like Multiculturalism In The Community?

It's all the same to me.
No, I'd rather be separated.
Imho, the way internet works it kinda filters out most the multiculturalism we "could have". On computers it is very hard to get any multicultural conversations going as the way we interact with each others doesn't have any tools for that. We all use generic smileys and write in english. Adding racing (or any other game genre) to that equation doesn't make it any more multicultural (or multicultural at all).

And I say it is a damn nice thing! You can talk to anyone around the world and if you speak the same language you can talk about pretty much anything! And it is possible to talk about anything, all the bad stuff is left out as internet presents the whole world as one place where you can connect everywhere without even thinking about the huge distances and strong barriers.

As I see it, the whole multicultural systems that may be in LFS (or in any other game) are nothing more than name tags on paper. No one sees your face, or you, at all. It is very neutral environment and as such it is either extremely multicultural on it has its own culture which is very homogenic
I think it's good that we have people from all over the world, and everybody is welcome. Usually I don't consciously note where someone is from, with the only exception being a awful spelling/grammar in combination with a English/American flag. And those pansies who decide to put the "globe" as their country
Quote from thisnameistaken :Yeah I like the foreign people. I like most of them anyway, except the Spanish, French, German, Belgian, Italian, Finnish, Swedish, Latvian, Estonian, American, Swiss, Austrian, Canadian, Russian, Danish and Australian ones. And of course the Norwegians - I haven't forgotten about you, Norway. Your time will come.

Oh yes.

But especially I hate these guys coming from this "Other" country. They are all real bastards.
I really like that on LFS there is nearly no discrimination/racism or anything else, just people racing together but i wouldn't call that multiculutralism. Almost everyone here is from the "western world" and there are only a few people from Africa, the middle East or other countries with a total different culture. In addition i don't think there are many cultural discussions about traditions, mentalitys and so on. As Hyperactive said:
"It is very neutral environment and as such it is either extremely multicultural on it has its own culture which is very homogenic" totally agree with that
Quote :Nah, they always go for the backpackers first ...

That's if the drop-bears haven't already taken them!

/evil knowing laugh....
its cool to talk to people from other countries. i'd been playing alot of FPS shooters throughout middleschool and highschool so i talked and joked with alot of cool people (ages 12 toin 50's) that played various shooters. I was in an international clan as well and we'd just sit around and discuss life for hours. I havent really spent much time on any lfs TS or vent servers.
I would love to know if the ONE guy (gal) who voted 'no' was just taking the p*$$ or if they really hate everybody!

Big up for the world wide LFS!!
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :So, do you enjoy the fact that the people playing LFS are from all over the world?

Honestly, it's one of the the biggest reasons I'm drawn to this community.
If only more of them were online at the same time as me...
Quote from thisnameistaken :Yeah I like the foreign people. I like most of them anyway, except the Spanish, French, German, Belgian, Italian, Finnish, Swedish, Latvian, Estonian, American, Swiss, Austrian, Canadian, Russian, Danish and Australian ones. And of course the Norwegians - I haven't forgotten about you, Norway. Your time will come.

Oh yes.

You forgot Poland
Quote from Krane :You forgot Poland

That's because I like the Poles. Except Kajojek.
I like the South Poles more than the North Poles

To be honest I think there aren't a lot of cultural differences in the community. We do come from different places, but we're pretty much similar.
Quote from hrtburnout :We do come from different places, but we're pretty much similar.

Only if you count out us gun toting fat lazy can't drive can't manufacture cars too rich Americans, then yes, we are all pretty much similar

The coolest thing is between races when someone asks "where ya all from". Instead of me seeing "Pittsburgh, New York, California, Seattle, Cincinnati, Florida, etc" it's "Germany, UK, Australia, US, etc."

And since I can't say anything in any other language but my birthday in spanish, I'm real glad you all speak english quite well .
Quote from thisnameistaken :Yeah I like the foreign people. I like most of them anyway, except the Spanish, French, German, Belgian, Italian, Finnish, Swedish, Latvian, Estonian, American, Swiss, Austrian, Canadian, Russian, Danish and Australian ones. And of course the Norwegians...

There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures... and the Dutch.
i have chosen voor liever niet,
just the ppl on my school i hate, most part of them, they really think they dominate the school and think they can hold us down. And then their saying weeyooo u are a racist!!!. But look at yourselfs! u say shtomme belgh (stupid belgian kid) isnt that racist to? , so i don't really like those people
Well living in the UK I have to either like it or lump it, and I like it. I remember a visit to London and walking to the Tate Modern the only english voice I heard was my dads, it was great to see so many people from different cultures all enjoying themselfs and getting along with each other. As for LFS, again I welcome it. We all know those germans are fast, we need their setups
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :Pahhhhleeease I think you are getting a bit ahead of yourself. If anyone should represent T.O. it should be me and you know it .

About multiculturalism in LFS, I think its great, but its too bad I can't race people from the far east too often because of the massive time difference. Ahh if only they'd set their clocks to GMT-5, wouldn't the LFS world be a better place?

Ahh yes. Yes it would
You can represent Toronto until the Detroit RedWings win the Stanley Cup

Quote from Hankstar :One Canuck down, many millions to go

Hahahaha! *dies*

Quote from farcar :Honestly, it's one of the the biggest reasons I'm drawn to this community.
If only more of them were online at the same time as me...

Yeah. I meet a lot of Aussies that I literally can never talk to unless we do the whole 'offline instant messaging' in windows live messenger.

Maybe I like so many cultures because I am from Toronto We have all kinds of festivals. Including one of my favs- Caribana! *TnT!!!*

Anyone like my map of country bombings?
for sure its good to have a bunch of different cultures
I voted No, I'd rather be separated because i'm random and such..

But, im all for multiculturalism, but when someones blatently talking about you in their mother tounge, you kinda wana know what their on about...
Yes, it's awesome. I get to insult so many different countries at the same time!
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Well, then would you like this lovely Toronto Maple Leafs backpack?

Bah. Ottowa Senators ftw!

Quote from wsinda :Can't.

Playing online game is untrue to great National Spirit of Kazakh people, and capital offense. The accused is being left in field, at the mercy of herd of testosterone-crazed stallions. Also great spectacle, many people like.

Wa wa wee wa!

Quote from Electrik Kar :That's if the drop-bears haven't already taken them!

/evil knowing laugh....

Yeah, ya gotta be quiet around droppies. The louder you talk, the more likely one will fall from a tree and start feasting on your brain. We lose more American tourists that way My brother and I told some US friends about dropbears one day - poor buggers were almost whispering until we got back in the house
Quote from Hankstar :Bah. Ottowa Senators ftw!

No, everyone knows that Montreal is the way to go, they just need a better goalie, I think this year throwing me in would have been a better decision.

Also, its Ottawa :P not OttOwa!!!!
Honest mistake!

On that topic though - "Guest" isn't spelled with a "3", ya freakin' genius
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#48 - th84
I always thought that everyone was American.

Quote from th84 :I always thought that everyone was American.


common yankee misconceptions about the world chapter 1
And here I was thinking everyone lives in an igloo and plays hockey.