Well, it's not that the joypad is "faulty", but it's as i'd imagine how all joypads are (amplified by its age), with the steering being inconsistent.
On a wheel you can just kinda tilt the wheel to either side a smidge, and make minute adjustments that are REPLICATABLE. On the wheel, you can see, in three dimensions, the exact same thing as what's happening on screen.
The joypad however, is nowhere near as consistent or replicatable. I can make VERY minute movements, but it usually is guesswork as to how much I need to move the joypad again to do the same thing.
And i'd LOVE to use the joypad for analogue accelerate and break, but I don't know how i'd do that. In game, the control options list "kb/mouse", and "wheel/joystick".
There's no option for me to turn my mouse into a useable axis in the wheel/joystick setting, and there's no option for me to turn my gamepad into an axis in kb/mouse.
If anybody knows how to do this, i'd greatly appreciate help