The online racing simulator
An Illudium Q36 explosive space n00b ejector
Ok..lousy i watch too much bugs bunny

I've noticed that just about every server i ever joined doesn't have an administrator present.
Yesterday i was on ASN, there was one guy who in one lap:
Pushed me out in T1, then slammed into someone's tail, slammed into someone else tail, slid off the track taking 1 person with him in the process, tried to get back on track and wadda ya know he takes someone out again, tried again to get back on the trackand takes another one out, slide of track..get back on...slide off.

So i was thinking, although some might say this is sorta harsh on new people, maybe we could have some form of "automatic unwanted person" remover.
Lets take BPGP as an example, if you can't do a lap in an FZR with a laptime
of below for example 1.20 you basically should be practising offline.

*The admin gets to set a cetain minimum lap time which he thinks is acceptable, for example 1.20.00 if he has a heart for new drivers, 1.12.00 if he only wants faster drivers, and so on.
*The admin can set this time as a general overall time, or he can specify a minimum laptime per car type.
*The admin can also choose to set this time,or maybe a seperate time, as the minimum qualifying lap time.
*The admin can then set the number of race laps the player has to drive faster than the required race lap time, for example 7 out of 10 laps.
*When a player fails to meet these minimums the admin can choose to either
-remove the player from the race and from the server for an administrator chosen length of time, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, whatever the administrator sets.
-remove the player from the current race but leave the player on the server so he can try again the next race.
-remove the player from the current race but leave the player on the server for xx more races...where xx is the number of races that the player can try again and fail again. For example, if someone messes up 3 races in a row they'll be removed from the server.
*The admin can set how many times a player is allowed to enter and/or leave the pit by pressing a shortcut button, as in...the player entering the pits without actually drving into it.
(And now for the part which i'm sure mostly everyone will hate
*The admin could set a minimum first lap laptime, failing to meet this laptime could result in any of the above.
That would make surviving T1 much more important than it is now.

Anyways, all this would require a decent intro screen informing the connecting player of the rules and minimums on this server. And each and every option should be the admins choice. An intro screen with server info would be a welcome thing anyways.

Maybe all the above is too harsh, or just a shitty idea.
But the least thing out of it could be that people would be inclined to practise a certain circuit offline, instead of doing their practise online and causing havoc.
I have nothing against slower drivers, but when i lap someone 3 times in a 10 lap race i really wonder what they're doing on that track.

Quote from willemA :Maybe all the above is too harsh, or just a shitty idea.

Care to elaborate on your opinion?...
Why do you think it's a bad idea?..since something like this would strictly be an administrator's choice, so not every server would use it...maybe hardly any servers would use it...
A simple nod smily really isn't very usefull...

Quote from Blackout :

Vote kick?
Quote from tristancliffe :Vote kick?

My thoughts excactly
I fail to see the similairity between this and votekick.
I hardly ever initiate a kick or vote for someone else to be kicked, because unless i'm witness to an incident there's simply no way to tell if a votekick is fair.
Except for the compulsive 'yes' repliers to a kickvote i think most people will not just vote to kick people without knowing or having seen why...which is why wreckers often can keep on driving around.
Options like this would simply remove people based on fixed criteria...which can be set by the server owner.
And i still would like to see some real arguments from you guys as to why this would be bad options....
The issues I think most people have with a system like this is that if you start to give servers too much control over who can enter the servers you quickly get a seperation of skill levels, which can lead to closer racing but also makes it more diffacut to advance in skill as you rarly get the oppertunity to run with people better then yourself which I feel is the best practice and training you can get.

The other potential issues is that every server admin will want to provide the best conditions for their guests, which will cause them to slowly drive up the minimum speeds and thus create a situation where there are 75% of servers catering to the top 25% of drivers and only 25% of servers catering to the other 75% of the drivers, or something similar. In the short term it may be an improvment but in the long term may do more to hurt the comunity then help it.

At least in my opinion.
The best way to get rid of these types of people is to make the damage more drastic and make the gravel traps more difficult to get out of. How often do you see a real race car go 20 yards into the gravel and get back on the track? Not often, I'd bet. If people would actually get stuck in the gravel, and if cars would overheat or stop running after a front end collision you wouldn't see these types of people on the servers because they would eventually get tired of watching instead of racing.

Of course, this would also require turning off car resets and teleporting to the pits, which should be a server option anyway.
I dunno, I got stuck in the gravel on the last corner of the last lap of one my races today. Really annoying. Was in 2nd too.

I think one the "racing status" thing comes into play this won't be an issue anyway.
Some good points made by people.
I'm gonna be somewhat annoying here, but it seems to me as if (as's only my opinion) the developers are not offering some options to server admins to prevent that server admins have the power to (r)eject certain type of drivers..
As it is now even the really bad drivers can get,and stay, on any server....and without much of a penalty at all can bring havoc race after race after race(except for when an admin is around...which is rarely).
It really seems as if the majority of people, who want clean racing, have to endure the wreckers and people who can't be bothered even practising a circuit offline just because those wreckers and 'non motivated' people payed for the game too.
Just the option of no button pit and no reset as Cue-Ball mentioned would probably help a lot.
Those are easy to implement...and have been requested often but still they're not there for the admin to use.
And yes...i know it's a very very smal dev team...and things take time.

I really don't care how it's done, but i would really like to see something which at least in some way or form penalizes bad driving.
To me it seem as if the devs are not interested in at least giving an admin the options to achieve a cleaner racing experience on their server.
Sorry i'm being harsh...

By the way, whats the Racing status thing you're talking about Bob?

Victor has mentioned it in the past when people have asked about credits in S2, and that it will be stored online so we won't have to "do it all again" if we reformat (for instance).

He hasn't released any details, but we have speculated it's involved with the driving tests.