The online racing simulator
you know when you played to much LFS when:
- You can't find your MRT in the parking garage
- You see a UF1 Cooper on your way home
- You're looking for the reset when you have a flat tire
And after a few minutes of crappy photoshopping:

You know you've played too much LFS when.....



you know you've played too much lfs when: you speed in real life and say " officer i was only doing 62 mph , read the ltc rules " and then he replys " sir , this is a school playground"
You know you played too much LFS when...
the finger you use for the clutch is twitching (I love to drift).
You know you played too much LFS when...

You are waiting to get your McDonalds when you accidentally press gas. You get a Drive-Through Penalty (pun intended )

You then proceed to blame lag and that demo noob behind you. You then start a vote kick but the cashier is afk.
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :You know you played too much LFS when...

You are waiting to get your McDonalds when you accidentally press gas. You get a Drive-Through Penalty (pun intended )

You then proceed to blame lag and that demo noob behind you. You then start a vote kick but the cashier is afk.

ROFL nice one dude.
You know you have played too much LFS when you try to set up a (real) Formula 1 car for an oval.
Quote from h3adbang3r :You know you've played too much LFS when you create a "you know you've played too much LFS when..." topic

You know you've played too much LFS when you post 'You know you've played too much LFS when you create a "you know you've played too much LFS when..." topic' in a new "You know you've played too much LFS when..." without using the search function to see that there not only is probably 2 or 3 of these "You know you've played too mcuh LFS when..." already here in the forum, but is probably 2 more over at the old LFS section of RSC.

You know you've played too much LFS when you are moving inventory on a forktruck from one end of the plant to the shipping docks at the other end of the plant and the guy who is helping you is on a slower forktruck. And after about 20 trips, you end up lapping him, so you blast the horn and yell "MOVE NOOB!!! BLUE FLAG, GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!" at him and he looks at you like you're completely insane (very true story )
You know you've played too much LFS when...

You walk into a shop and say !buy, and proceed to check your wallet with !cash
You drive into a car park and see a few people misbehaving, and blame it on lag

#34 - Jakg
When while Karting you find yourself tapping the look left/right buttons on your G25, before realising that this is real life and that you just turn your head.

True story
Lol, I wish I was karting... =(


You know you've played yoo much LFS when you step out of your car and try to get the steering wheel and shifter off...
You know you've played too much LFS when you are on your car and see a very very bad driver and you think: "Scawen should improve AI"
You know you've played yoo much LFS when you ruin a perfectly good gearbox flatshifting in an attempt to get away from the lights before the volvo next to you
(deggis) DELETED by deggis
#38 - aoun
you know youve played too much LFS when:

you corlaborate the wheel, spinning it all the way left then all the way right before you drive.. =)
#39 - aoun
how lol? wheres the keyboard in your car? :P
You know you have played too much LFS when:

1) you actually know you have

2) When you are 50 years old

3) When you are lying on your death bed
you know youve played to much lfs when you:

create the following setups;
HUMANBODY_short sprint

and make skins for your own outfits.
you know you've played too much LFS when...

- ... you think new tires and fuel are for free
- ... you use heel / toe in your real car

and you are totally addicted to lfs when...

- ... LFS gets automaticly started after booting your pc
You know you have played to much LFS when:

When you ask your wife to be passenger , and type in the left top of your window : Everybody Crash me !!!!!oneoneonelleven!
Quote from LFSn00b :You know you've played too much LFS when...

You're trying to find the "I" button in your car.
Strangely that happened to me once

Now you're telling me that you start your car in LFS with an "I" button? did i missed that patch, i know we suggested that, but it's not implemented yet, so i can't see why would you press the "I" in LFS so many times so it become second nature to you and you also tried to do it in your RL car (do you even have a licence)...
No, he's 14!

How the heck can he drive a car...

My parents won't let me, although we have a Mazda 626 Direct Injection Turbo Diesel
Niko, I hate you. =P
Really, I do!
You know you've played too much LFS when...

1.You try to fit your G25 into your car.


3.You are a police officer. And you see a guy bump into another car.

You walk up to him and on your ticket, in sharpie, you just write

Quote :/ban Red 1996 Toyota Corolla 999

When he doesn't disappear you say "HACKER! I'M REPORTING YOU TO THE DEVs!"

Wow I suck at this
Ok, what car are you driving in then?

You know you have played too much LFS when you try to get to the petrol station with only the starter motor.

Niko, why are you spamming (or for whatever reason you are not reacting)

EDIT: now you did, NVM.
You know you've played too much LFS when your thumbs have melted the rubber on your wheel by sweating.

My DFP is like silly putty now.
Quote from three_jump :[snip]
- ... you use heel / toe in your real car[/snip

You mean to say that this behaviour is not normal? I do it quite often, especially when I want to get home from work in a hurry

You know you've played too much LFS when...
(494 posts, started )