The online racing simulator
#51 - Sage
I keep getting "did not recieve skin info" and player info a lot. Is this me or LFS?
Hi, about the new skin system, I had the option for "Full Skins" (so the skins are taken from /data/skins folder) but then checked "Compressed Skins" (so now they are taken from /data/skins_dds folder) and my helmet desapeared and a message like "couldn`t found Helmet" came out. If I checked again "Full Skins" my helmet appeared again and so on. So I went to "Compressed Skins" and then went to my Player Options and when I clicked on the button to change helmet, LFS started to convert my /data/skins to DDS (including my helmet).

Some friends of mine were having troubles with their helmets and skins online (they uploaded to LFSWorld correctly but nobody could view them online) and the problem was fixed after they clicked on the change helmet button (Player Options).

Hope It´s clear enough
Just got this:

Was racing a few minutes ago on LFS Demo League server and finisht 2 laps behind.. LFS says i have fasted lap, but that isn't true.. nr 1 has fastest lap...


I now see St. has quitted... but still I don't have fasted lap of that race...
That fastest lap bug happened here as well. Looks like the lap gets reset when someone quits.
Quote from GP4Flo :That fastest lap bug happened here as well. Looks like the lap gets reset when someone quits.

This has always been like that, dunno if it's a bug.
It's not really a bug, though it can appear to be a bug, because in a sense it is wrong.

It's just not a truly accurate thing - it reports the fastest lap by checking a new lap time against the best lap of all cars which are still on the track.

It's a safe way of programming this function, in such a way that the same message aapears on everyone's computer. I'm not sure that it's really worth changing. It's always true if no-one leaves after getting the best lap.
#57 - SamH
Quote from traxxion :I'm sorry if this has been mentioned before. Noticed this many times now:
The starting light sequence has often already started before my car is put on the grid (one, or sometimes even two lights are already on). This seems to be worse when there's less cars on the grid. Therefore I take it the delay time before starting the light sequence depends on the amount of cars on the grid?
Isn't it possible to "see" when every car is positioned on the grid? In that case you could use that as a trigger to start the light sequence...
I'm almost sure you have already given this option a thought if it would be possible, but you never know...

I haven't seen it mentioned either, but I must agree absolutely with this. Today we've been testing with very small grids (3 or 4 cars) and I have to say that it's almost impossible, once the "Race Restarts 3" appears, to get to the pits** and join the race before the lights go green. Frequently today, I hit the grid just as the lights went green, and equally frequently I didn't get there in time at all.

I'm agreeing with traxxion and reporting it here as a bug. The start delay is too (unreasonably?) tight on less populated grids.

[edit] ** to the pits and straight out, without changing car or choosing a setup.
I too would like a longer delay, I know with have a posh dynamic delay atm - but actually, when changing tracks and forming a new grid and stuff like that, a short wait of 10 secs would do everyone some good to take a deep breath .
I've also had trouble with that. By the time I realise which track it is, change car, find the setup etc., it's just waaay too late.
I think it would be acceptable to start out in the pits after a track change rather than on the start grid.
Quote from hammer it :I think it would be acceptable to start out in the pits after a track change rather than on the start grid.

+1 from me.

So if starting a race from the setup screen (i.e. the screen where you select the track / wind / number of laps) it could go into a bit of "post-race limbo" mode, i.e. put the game status into the same state it is after a normal race had been completed. I.e. everyone is in the pits, and there is no race about to start. This would then allow everyone to get their acts together / load new sets / set correct fuel etc, and then collectively Shift-R to progress to starting the actual race. If it was easy for Scawen to code in, I guess you could put the default mode into something similar to practice mode, except on the next restart (Shift-R vote) it would start the race itself properly.

I frequently get caught out with juggling all the setup options when changing cars and tracks, and running out of fuel towards the end of a new combo because you didn't take on extra juice is always a bit depressing.

Quote from Breizh :Unrelated to what you're working on in this patch, but I just found a simple bug: creating a new skin setup in the garage, pitting out, and pitting back in will unselect the skin you just added to the list in the garage.
I did this in qualifying, and I think I had this bug before during a race too.. so it shouldn't be too hard to duplicate. If it isn't, I'll check back later and give more info.

I don't seem to be able to reproduce this. I created a new skin colour config and it appears to save it correctly in my player's "favourite colours". And I can't see anything wrong in the code.

Is it possible you changed the selected player after creating the new colours? Because each player profile has its own favourite colours per car.
No, I definitely only made a new FZR skin, pitted out with it right away (no setup changes or anything), pitted back in after a few seconds to check on my fuel before the race started; and that's when the skin changed.
There's no doubt that it was at the end of a qualifying session, at Blackwood, and maybe (it's how I pictured it when I first recalled it, to post here) in the evening weather.

Now this I'm not sure about anymore, but I remember bits of the picture: it selected one of the default blank skins with the yellow swatch at the top of the left hand side colors settings column.

And it had happened once before, although I can't remember anything about that occurence other than it happened at KyotoGP in daylight weather, and that I made a note to go post it in here.

I'll keep an eye out for it and report anything new.