The online racing simulator
Small improvements for next patch - post your ideas
Hi guys, there are 2 small things that i personally would like to have in the game, and i think they could be made for the next patch.....

First is the option to turn off HUD elements separately, sometimes i like to drive without knowing my speed for example, and i really wanted to deactivate that "steering arc" when using custom view.

Second, is that my wheel has the nasty tendency of shifting 2 gears in one button press, and that KILLS me when braking, you know, i was playing GPL a little, and noticed it didnt happen there. Of course, there you cant shift quickly as you can in LFS because there is an "inactive" period after shifting once.

My wish is to have an adjustable option in LFS that wouldnt allow you to shift after X miliseconds from another shift. Of course, you could deactivate it if you wish hehehe.

Those are my ideas for things that annoy me a little and could be easily (i think) solved, post your ideas for small improvements too!
In addition to showing/hiding individual HUD elements I'd like to be able to move them around the screen. Even if positioning of these elements was editable in a config file somewhere that'd be fine by me.
Nice point, i had that idea at some point but i forgot to post it hehehehe. I remeber when i played NFS Porsche that you could use the mouse to reposition the hud elements on the screen, that was cool.

But i dont know, that could be a little harder to implement, i wrote only the things that annoy me a little in the interface. Of course, if the devs can handle that....hehehe
would love to get rid of the steering arc...
I would like to see a slider to adjust the volume of button click sounds, voting beep, chat noises, etc. I've had to edit the sound files manually because they are too loud for my liking.
the ability to stall
Quote from sil3ntwar :the ability to stall

I was looking at my car in the AutoX AU1 after I finished and I think I found what I don't like with the cars and could make them look much better.
Goes like this:
- using higher res textures for the headlights and taillights
- using cube environement mapping instead of sphere env. mapping
- (and of course) using a higher resolution environement map

With currently 25mb of textures loaded in the memory of the gfx card that has 256mb available total, it leaves plenty of room to add such things. I believe even adding high res textures for those parts of the car and for the env map could stay under 32mb for those who have old gfx cards.

I will also agree with the above suggestions ^
Quote from thisnameistaken :In addition to showing/hiding individual HUD elements I'd like to be able to move them around the screen. Even if positioning of these elements was editable in a config file somewhere that'd be fine by me.

I've always wanted the ability to display the virtual digital speedo in a more visible location.. even though its not all that realistic - for me I find it important in the game because of the lack of other feedback that you would get from a real car..

[Edit] Heh I've even thought this probably can be done with an insim app and overlay like Kegety's ghost car app.. but I don't have the time or skills for such a project [/Edit]
I think graphic improvements are somewhat too complex to make in a small patch, the point of this thread is to propose easy-to-do fixes and improvements so we can get those small but annoying things sorted.

Graphics and physics aren't all that easy and quick to do i think.....