The online racing simulator
#1 - TiJay
Something different- Media Studies documentary project
I recently uploaded my 2006 media studies project to YouTube- a documentary on Wales focused on Cardiff and its Bay (home to the new Doctor Who and Torchwood).

It's more interesting than it sounds- there's a few mistakes and I now think the Top Gear-inspired visual style is over-stylized, but have a quick look (it's only 5mins) and let me know what you think!

YouTube Version

All feedback is very welcome!
It started off so well...

Varying sound levels throughout the clip (and I don't mean when music has been quitened for vocals), annoying "blip" when you turned your mike an and off, not keen on the black edges to the video and learn to talk like a man!

Difficult to make the subject matter interesting, you could have done worse there. Reminds me a lot of the local TV channel back in Portsmouth.
#3 - TiJay
Thanks Bob.
Quote :Varying sound levels throughout the clip (and I don't mean when music has been quitened for vocals), annoying "blip" when you turned your mike an and off,

I wasn't the same distance away from the mic for all the narrations which caused the varying levels- it was the first time I'd done voiceovers. And the mic was crap (free with PC Gamer magazine)... And that's not my usual voice, honest!
Quote :not keen on the black edges to the video

Looking back on it, I agree with you on that now. I think I overdid the effects just to show my teacher/class that I could do all this technical stuff and differentiate my video from the iMovie/Movie Maker crap a lot of people had created

Any more feedback from anyone? It's all useful
Quote from TiJay :I wasn't the same distance away from the mic for all the narrations which caused the varying levels- it was the first time I'd done voiceovers.

Easily fixed with some audio editing software.
#5 - TiJay
I know... But it's too late to change it on that video now

Still got me an A
Really? Grats.
#7 - TiJay
Well, an A for that module anyway. Don't know the final grade yet.

Quote from TiJay :I know... But it's too late to change it on that video now

Still got me an A

An A? Really I would have given it a B-, to be honest.

Now I am NOT saying this because I am trying to be a e-jerk. It is a good effort. But the sound was too inconsistent, and, I am a fan of vignetting, but some parts were a little over the top.

Your voice. I do nor know what your age is, but on that clip it was rather thin. Alot of people, in order to not come across as belligerent or loud, do not use the full potential of their voice. When speaking for a presentation, be it in front of a group of people or a narrative, speak in a way that keeps a person interested. You did a fine job of metering and using "colour"(instead of being flat and monotone), but for your next presentation, try this: speak from your stomach, not your throat. See how forceful that is. By controlling your stomach muscles, you can regulate the forcefulness of your voice, and with practice, you can sound like a presenter. Listen to Terry Wogan, or for that matter, BBC Radio 2. The DJs are talking very loud, but obviously the equipment can regulate the sound. Also, if you are able to, or able to find an audio recording program, is to crank up the compression.

If I could, I would record a snippet of how I talk; people tell me constantly I sound like a radio DJ. All I do is speak like I mentioned above.
#9 - TiJay
Quote :Now I am NOT saying this because I am trying to be a e-jerk. It is a good effort. But the sound was too inconsistent, and, I am a fan of vignetting, but some parts were a little over the top.

I completely agree, the mark scheme was very forgiving and there were a few videos with worse sound that also got A's. And like I said, looking back, the vignetting is OTT.

As for the voice, thanks My main concern was keeping it interesting but you're right that I should have made it more powerful. I'm 17 and was when the video was made.