That's cool, man. But the thing you have to understand is that it's easy to come up with cool ideas for programs, it's easy to think on a large scale what you want. But when it actually comes to implementing it in the real world, then it becomes a hugely more complex matter.
Making programs is very complicated and takes a long time. Remember that making programs for LFS is not our job, we don't get paid to do it, we do it in our spare time because we love coding, we love LFS and we love the community.
We have all spent years learning our art, we have spent many frustrating nights sitting in front of a computer screen learning how to translate the ideas in our head into actual programs you can download and use.
When someone comes onto the forum and randomly asks for some program without putting any thought into what they are asking for or, as I suspect in your case, without thought into
how you are asking for it, we find it a little bit frustrating.
As the_angry_angel says, no one has said they won't make a program for you, it's just that if one of us is going to spent a considerable amount of their free time over the next few weeks or months creating a program for you, then we need to know exactly what we are getting ourselves in to.
Please, if you are going to ask for a programmer to build a program for you on the forum, then be prepared to put in some effort in advance. Create a design document, think out exactly what your program will do, write it down and plan it on a piece of paper (you don't need to be technical about it, that's our job, but think what buttons it will have, what they do when you click them etc..). Then if you present a really good idea, in a well thought out way, someone will help you to build it.