The online racing simulator
Nightwish - Over the hills and far away?
New one before I go out for lunch =)

I thought it could be too easy =)
You're right of course!
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And I thought that it would be easy... So some clues: the gun make is a Beretta that itself doesn't help much but when you combine it with a typo...
All I can think of is Uriah Sheep
Quote from Batterypark :All I can think of is Uriah Sheep

Well that is actually a lamb not a sheep.....

It's swedish band who quit couple years ago after their leadsingeress went to do a solo album.
Lambretta - Chemical

If that's right someone else can post a pic.
Was just about to post that!
Quote from Bean0 :Lambretta - Chemical

If that's right someone else can post a pic.

Here one easy...
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Quote from SV 84 :Here one easy...

Doesn't look so... something about gas stations? or refueling?
Prince - Lady Cab Driver... definitely looks like a woman driving, but a red cab?

This one should be easy - the drawing is word-to-word with both artist and title. Or so I hope
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The Four Boards Of Canada - I'm On TV But My Ugly Shirt Is Over There
yes, but LFSn00b. You took 5 days to notice.
Quote from Highsider9 :
The Rules:
- You have to guess the Title and Artist.
- The Winner can post a new Picture
- If the winner does not post his pic during the next 24 hours then someone else can post.
- This is a Music Quiz, therefore Dance, Electro, etc. is not allowed.

Remember first post of the thread?
Quote from Hankstar :The Four Boards Of Canada - I'm On TV But My Ugly Shirt Is Over There

Quite close
Boards of Canada - Chromakey Dreamcoat
A little thinking required here...
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Something by Spock's Beard?

The MS-Paint Music Quiz
(961 posts, started )