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McLaren await their fate
(61 posts, started )
It makes sense to do this, the verdict was a bit crap although I still hope they don't punish either team heavily. Ferrari and Mclaren are both guilty of breaking the same rule, through the actions of individuals, so any punishment Mclaren get Ferrari should also get.

Oh and another plot twist...

Stepney says not to blame for leaked data

Former Ferrari engineer Nigel Stepney continued to protest his innocence on Tuesday regarding the Formula One spying controversy.
Stepney was accused of passing Ferrari information to McLaren chief designer Mike Coughlan, who has since been suspended by the world championship leaders.
"I did not take any designs away from Ferrari. Someone passed on the designs but it wasn't me," Stepney told Italy's La Repubblica.
"I do not want to involve other colleagues. I know one part of the story, not all. Ferrari know the whole story."

The Italian action against Stepney, who was sacked by Ferrari, is set to progress after court officials in Ferrari's home town of Modena returned from holiday.
The action includes accusations of sabotage against Stepney.
Italian and British media have mentioned a mysterious white powder that was allegedly found in the petrol tanks of the Ferrari race cars six days before this year's Monaco Grand Prix.
Ferrari have not commented on the matter but Stepney said he had been set up.
"They put the powder in my trouser pocket while I was taking a shower," Stepney said without stating who he meant by "they".
"I am ready to to be heard (by the court) at any moment," added Stepney, who said he had already found another job far away from Italy and Formula One.
I don't even care any more about who gets punished for this, I'm enjoying the story immensely!
Quote from thisnameistaken :I don't even care any more about who gets punished for this, I'm enjoying the story immensely!

I'm waiting for the film...

*american voice over* Two teams locked in an epic battle, a story of good vs not quite so good on some tracks but ok on others, two men set to change F1 history forever...

Dude, wheres my documents!
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Two teams locked in an epic battle, a story of good vs not quite so good on some tracks but ok on others,

Lol... nice.

We should start guessing where this will end up.
Quote from srdsprinter :We should start guessing where this will end up.

Jean Todt turns out to be Ron Dennis' father.
LH is Ron Dennis' illegitimate love child.... hence where the discord between himself and Adrian Newey.
I think it will end with Todt and Dennis pitching a tent in the outback
OT: Just want to know a bit of info tho, I heard that Hamilton signed a 50 year contract with Mclaren (obviously, only some of it driving and the rest being involved with the team in some way), is this true?. It seems quite believable since Hamilton really does owe Mclaren quite a bit due to him being supported throughout his racing career.
Quote from Leprekaun :OT: Just want to know a bit of info tho, I heard that Hamilton signed a 50 year contract with Mclaren (obviously, only some of it driving and the rest being involved with the team in some way), is this true?. It seems quite believable since Hamilton really does owe Mclaren quite a bit due to him being supported throughout his racing career.

He doesn't owe them 50 years. Slavery was abolished 200 years ago.
I think that might be true, Hamilton has said that he would like to end his career at Mclaren, but he also said that was based on how he felt now, and that in the future things might change. 50 years does sound like quite a lot, perhaps if its true then he has several clauses which will enable him to get out if he wants. My favourite clause being Santa.

McLaren await their fate
(61 posts, started )