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they may be more reliable that is true, however what you gain with reliability you lose with engine parity. There isn't much doubt that the TonyKart/Vortex works package is nigh on unbeatable..Italian Open Masters, European Championship (winner of all 4 rounds so far)...unless your on a decent Parilla.(even though TM has found pace, yet inconsistent, and Convers is good on the PCR)

I don't think this will change either. I can see the Vortex getting stronger in the re-homologation. Tho I do hope everyone catches up with IAME and Vortex.

The key to KF is whether that will filter into teh club scene. That's what it is supposed to be about, and lets face it, anything other than Rotax is a good thing

Also I feel KF is a pre cursor to the CIK going 4-Stroke. There is no doubt KF has softened peoples approach to the 4-Stroke philosophy!
Quote :indoor the conditions and the track "grippyness" stays the same.

Utterly incorrect, an indoor track never gets wet but ambient temperature and humidity will still greatly effect lap times and grip levels. Often indoor places have big garage doors for ventilation which can cause a subtle but noteable wind throughroute which also can effect a corner or two as well as effecting track temperature significantly. In short, the only thing you dont get is rained on ... Provided that is, the roof isnt riddled with holes because one leak and those karts + polished floor = mayhem

Quote :when you have the throttle on max, push your ankle against the cable that runs down the side. you can get a little more gas by doing that

That's a faulty throttle, some cheap rental karts used to be restricted by a throttle stop, i'd bet there are a few still around, but it's rare to see them because they make each kart very different on performance. Mostly you will see the Honda engined karts limited on one of the two levers that sticks out of the engine block - it's pretty obvious when you are pushing it by hand and to be honest leaning over and finding the thing tends to cost you time anyway - oh and if you hit the wrong one ...
Well, I'm literally just back from the race. It was a 5 hour journey there and 5 back too , very tiring indeed . I actually traveled the day of the race but arrived a bit early so that I could get a chance to rest for a bit which I did . Unfortunately, the owner of the course (btw, its a really cool course , not very technical but had TONS of close racing in it ) didn't have enough time to get all the karts equaled up so there were some that were quite spectacular (#3 was the best, 4,5 & 6 would be very close but would be around being the 2nd best (IMO anyway ) and then there was #2 which I liked but even tho I liked the way it handled, I think the engine wasn't too good on it so it lost out in the fast sections. I will post up the time sheets that I got with all the sessions that I ran in . Unfortunately, I didn't win the race but tbh, I was going in with the mentality that it will most likely won't happen because the guys around me had driven at that track for like 3-4 years and last night was my first ever session around it!. Stay tuned as well for pics . I didn't take any but one of the racers there took a ton of them and he said he would upload them soon .
So did you get the drive?
Quote from Leprekaun :Anyway, point of this karting race is that, yes, the team manager will be attending this race and I'm trying to help improve my image in front of him, proving to him that I'm hot stuff and not just some kid who saw an ad in a magazine and wants a go for a bit of craic. I won't get a race seat if I win this thing but I will prove that I'm a serious driver

Did you speak to him? What did he think?
Well, actually, he didn't attend. He said that he has some personal responsibilities to take care of back in Cairo and another big guy involved with the team whom I've grown to like, very nice guy and very friendly said that he had organised a fishing trip with some friends of his before hand so he couldn't attend either. Hopefully, there will be another race this weekend and I'm pretty sure they'll show up this time and many more people so its good to know that now I have some experience of the track and can only build on it .
Quote from Leprekaun :Well, actually, he didn't attend. He said that he has some personal responsibilities to take care of back in Cairo and another big guy involved with the team whom I've grown to like, very nice guy and very friendly said that he had organised a fishing trip with some friends of his before hand so he couldn't attend either. Hopefully, there will be another race this weekend and I'm pretty sure they'll show up this time and many more people so its good to know that now I have some experience of the track and can only build on it .


How about letting us know which team this is? Just for curiosities sake like.

I would be pretty pished off like - if I had driven most of the day to go karting to show I was good - done a few laps - come home - with the vague idea that they will be there next week - maybe?

That would not be the kind of team I would want to drive for, where a fishing trip is more important than a prospective driver. I would be looking elsewhere bud.... unless of course they didnt know you were coming? You were gonna turn up off pat - and impress them with your skillz....

Or..... they already know of you and .... well though you was cwap like... so didnt bother?

Dont be down hearted bud - hopefully they will be there next week (cos I dont think race teams are thick on the ground in Eygpt).

Good luck.
#59 - J.B.
Quote from Widdowmaker :Lep

That would not be the kind of team I would want to drive for, where a fishing trip is more important than a prospective driver.

Hmm, few people are in a position to be picky...
Quote from J.B. :Hmm, few people are in a position to be picky...

Theres being picky and being somebodys door mat.... nobody deserves that....

But if you want to be treated that way....
Quote from Widdowmaker :Lep

How about letting us know which team this is? Just for curiosities sake like.

I would be pretty pished off like - if I had driven most of the day to go karting to show I was good - done a few laps - come home - with the vague idea that they will be there next week - maybe?

That would not be the kind of team I would want to drive for, where a fishing trip is more important than a prospective driver. I would be looking elsewhere bud.... unless of course they didnt know you were coming? You were gonna turn up off pat - and impress them with your skillz....

Or..... they already know of you and .... well though you was cwap like... so didnt bother?

Dont be down hearted bud - hopefully they will be there next week (cos I dont think race teams are thick on the ground in Eygpt).

Good luck.

You're totally right. I understand that I don't want to become somebody's door mat but that doesn't mean I put my nose up in the air either. That race was claimed to be a "fun" race and not really considered seriously but I know that if I were a team manager looking for drivers to fill that 2nd seat, I'd bloody well would show up at something like that. I'm assuming that the guy who went on the fishing trip had organised it before it was stated that there was a karting race and that the other guy was just caught up in some serious circumstances.

Just to let you know what kind of competition I was dealing with. I was competing with the guy who came 3rd in last year's Thunder Arabia Championship (the one I'm trying to get in to) who yes, did beat me but my consistency and speed was already quite close to his even tho he's raced in an Egyptian Karting Championship that ran for almost 7 years but in the end died out. I also was competing with the Junior Rotax MAX champion of Egypt whom my speed was exactly the same as his if not I was a bit better. I was competing with another competitor from the Thunder Arabia Championship who was team mates with the other guy. Then there were 2 other guys who have competed in many races of the Egyptian Karting Championship so I'd say I'm dealing mostly with a very experienced field whilst I, myself, had 0% experience on that track and has been over a year since I've driven a kart so to be at their level or better means something BIG.

For Widdow: The team's name is the Egyptian Racing Team(ERT) or some like to call it Egyptian Racing Team Motorsport Development(ERTMD). I know where you're coming from Widdow, I'd hate to race for a team that doesn't really value me as a person and also as a driver but like what JB said, beggers can't be choosers. They're the only Egyptian team there is and the only serious side of circuit racing in the whole of Egypt so I have to put my sights on a team like that.
I know a bloke who wanted to work at Natwest Global Financial Markets. At the time it was a business deep in the heart of London the financial capital of the world. The trading floor was massive, the bonuses were bigger and you even got a shoe shine boy come around to your desk to polish your shoes as you worked.

The guy was rejected for a job so he waited outside the building every day to see the Chief Executive as he arrived at the start of the day and left at the end. Each time he saw him he told him how much he wanted to work there and asked him for a job.

For a week or two he was ignored, for the next couple of weeks the Chief Executive would say hello and politely turn him down. Eventually, after about a month he offered him a job. He found out later that in the week before the job offer the Chief kept an eye on him and saw that he wasn't just there at the start and end of the day but he waited all day to get his chance to talk to the boss.

So, in the end his dream came true. I think the moral of the story is obvious.
Thats a nice story. I don't think I'd go as far as that. Its a very simple thing, I'll look for sponsorship (first I need to write a proposal, any1 know where I can read info on how to make one btw? ) and if I can gather the money for it, then I'll be over the moon.

My bro suggested that also, possibly, they already have the $ for the 2nd seat, meaning that all that they need to do is find a driver who'll fill that seat and do a good job on the track so that would be make life quite a bit easier for me as all I'll have to do is just prove myself but obviously, that'll be confidential information. I guess the other way is also good in a way because all I would have to do is come up with the $ and don't have to prove anything. I'll try and get in contact with the managers to see whats their plan is atm. If I were honest tho, if I could get the money, I'd highly consider racing as a privateer and not being involved with the team because like I said, team manager is a bit weird. I'm currently in the planning stage atm and I'm already thinking of a few companies to approach.
Quote from Intrepid :u raced KF3... with Tom Grice? I thought he competed in a couple of Danish rounds

Man those KF3's are silent.... f'in eerry..... lol

Yep Tom Grice , The litlle Englishmen , From PDB