The online racing simulator
This is very interesting indeed!
I`m looking forward to see mroe of this stuff in the future.
Hehe, if you made a great car, why not send it to the DEV`S, and ask them if they can put it in game?

I know many is against it, but at least we could for once hear the DEV`s thoughts about this, do they like it, dislike it, sounds like interesting or what?

As one said before, I really want to see cars and tracks in LFS, but they would only be alllowed to be uploaded if the DEV`s agreed on it, that sounds like a good idea.
Quote from The Very End :This is very interesting indeed!
I`m looking forward to see mroe of this stuff in the future.
Hehe, if you made a great car, why not send it to the DEV`S, and ask them if they can put it in game?

I know many is against it, but at least we could for once hear the DEV`s thoughts about this, do they like it, dislike it, sounds like interesting or what?

As one said before, I really want to see cars and tracks in LFS, but they would only be alllowed to be uploaded if the DEV`s agreed on it, that sounds like a good idea.

From what I've gathered, this is only a .vob-mod, so it is purely cosmetical...
Quote from Macfox :Are these the videos in question?

Yes, those vids are easy to find from youtube but I'm more concerned why the thread was removed.
Starting as complete n00b I played around with Blender for about 3 days and came up with a rough Karrussel. If it's possible for me as a complete beginner to crank out something that vaguely resembles a corner then this shows me that for you experts making a complete track wouldn't be out of the question. Naturally if you wanted quick results the Nordschleife probably wouldn't be a good first choice of a place to start.

NB no need to point out the obvious flaws, like I said, this was after only 3 days.



Wow, thats nice!
Really I mean it, very nice indeed, great looking!

Edit : Tho it is a picture, it`s nice, that what I meant
Nice try but busted!
Great idea only the word 'mod' is not apropriate. I'm still against modding btw, because modding is all about extra content which can be downloaded as an expension to the current content. Servers having different 'mods' running is absolutely NOT gonna happen. Downloadeble cars, NOT gonna happen. I hate that idea, and i also think the dev's do.

We don't want to make 'modifications' to the game, we want to help making content and maybe even improve the current . This is what we do now, check the high-res tracks, skys and the better carsounds from DaveWS wich are actually implemented! I would suggest to implement all the highres textures too, but since they are not completely done yet i guess that's what holding them back. On the texture-memory front, it does not take that much extra.

This is a possible solution for all the creative freaks out there who want to help making this game. I won't care to make textures for free, i'd love to somehow work on a game which i enjoy so much. The work i would have made get's his place in my portfolio, which will be good for future presentation.

Lot's of people only think about 'mods' in the wrong way, they want to make a car-hopping game, LFS pinpall, and busdriving. Get real...

We just want to help the dev's, they need to come up with some houserules and participates need to get screened. Models and textures have to pass tests and the Dev's do with them whatever they want to. Seriously, some of us are really good at this stuff, devs can't ignore that. Please let us help a hand. We have to make progression on this front, it's going on for about ages already. We can't sit still waiting for LFS to get beaten one day. I care for this game... What's the problem with getting flooded with all kinds of content for a game and to check this box out full of potential stuff. Are they really so selfish they want to do EVERYTHING by themselves? They are mad!, and this game will stagnate at a certain moment because it get's to complicated to handle. They may not be business men, but this is not the right way... they need to look in to the future once more, what do they want in the end. It's not possible to do this by such a small team, it's as if they think they got all the time in the world to finish this game, that's not true.
#58 - JTbo
Quote from GT VIRUS :I've seen plenty of modding arguments here for/against, thats not what i'm interested in here.

After reading topic trough again, I had to make this part of thread starter's post tad bigger as it clearly has been too small text before
BruTaLysT has made a very good point. Obviously there are people who can provide professional, high quality and optimized additional content for the game. What bothers me most is how to break the invisible wall between those people, and the ones (or shoud I say three?) who can make it all happen.
(Sp!tfire) DELETED by Sp!tfire
#60 - JTbo
Quote from breadfan :BruTaLysT has made a very good point. Obviously there are people who can provide professional, high quality and optimized additional content for the game. What bothers me most is how to break the invisible wall between those people, and the ones (or shoud I say three?) who can make it all happen.

Simple, make big compo party where devs give tasks and those willing to are needing to complete those tasks, I guess week should do it and separate diamonds from rest if everyone insists modding to be what traditionally it has been.

Better make it to happen also not at holiday season, that will rule out quite well everyone with job etc. as modding is so time consuming with way most seem to think is only way, that to get something good done you can't have family or job...

I'll say you don't need to think like that, there are other possibilities, it is only limitation of ability to think differently that keeps many seeing that...

However those are not things subject of this thread as I have tried to point out, we have had other threads with plenty of discussion of such already and it would be better to carry out such conversations in old threads to avoid discussing same things all over again.

Linky to old modding discussion where we can find hopefully more interesting points and discussion from this subject that does bring up quite lot of discussion and also on this thread, hopefully such discussion could be done there to keep these two topics on track
Alright. In the spirit of putting this thread back on the initial topic, I say I cannot do sh.t concerning the models, textures etc, thus I shut up. But I wish you all good luck with this modding situation and hopefully we will see some positive results soon.
Many varied points of view here. I feel that limited, high quality additions to the game would be welcome. What ever happened to teh rally pack? Devs get too caught up in pumping out patches? Lets get RedRum and Kegtys workin on it. I know both of them have skills when it comes to these areas.

The additions could be fabbed up and sent to the devs who they and thier small group of testers to evaluate each item for balance, quality and general goodness of fit into LFS. Once a "beta" has been completed it could be released much like a test patch (obviously incompatible with previous patches due to the extra content if it were a new car or track, ect...) and it could be honed and polished into fitting nicely into the released verion of LFS.

Heck, hypothetically it'd be cool to have a contest with the addition much like the lx comp but not necessarily awarding prizes but just to get the word out...though by release I think it wouldn't need much help. News travels fast on here.

I understand that new content could cause an immediate massive shift to trying out the new fangled whatever but hopefully it would nestle right in and be happy with all of the other great content already provided for us.

(i didn't use 'modifications' just because, as stated before, they tend to have a bad rap for diluting quality. *cough*rFactor*cough*) ... 8236.MyTwoCents_15774.jpg
(Sp!tfire) DELETED by Sp!tfire
Any release here would see you with a warning and link removed anyways.
Quote from Sp!tfire :Actually, now i'm thinking back about it.. i've been trying to get through the LFS vob coding, wld, and those formats.
I think the wld format looks much like the vob format, but still.. what am I supposed to do with it?
I'd say let's wait for the beta, or even the final release, because if i'm going to continue with this ( like my mate ) you might have a working modding tool, but what if the devs will completely change the vob/wld format? Ofcourse they can do that, we are just modding, and they can do what they want, it's their game.

What still would be cool is, if the devs could organise like a competition sometime in the future, where people can try modding the game ( track or vehicle ) in one month, and let the community vote for a top 10 mods, and those will be added to the game or something.

Just some crazy thoughts, well i'm almost sure I will continue trying to get my RX7 ingame, but a release, I don't think so..

I completely agree with you, would be fun with a competition, where the best work would get a room in the game, like for example the next patch after the competition.
I know it sounds crazy, but it probally would attract a lot of people to the sim if they heared that community contents was added to the game, I at least belive it would do.
For many people the mod`ing ability is the last determinating factor if they are going to buy a game or not.
Quote :We don't want to make 'modifications' to the game, we want to help making content and maybe even improve the current ....

...This is a possible solution for all the creative freaks out there who want to help making this game. I won't care to make textures for free, i'd love to somehow work on a game which i enjoy so much.

This is a closed door possibility for the devs, as I see it. Certainly I've had no luck, but maybe others may be more lucky.

I've put in literally hundreds of hours of graphics work for LFS- but silence on the part of the creators when I tried to contact them about offering help with textures translated into a simple message of discouragement. Maybe opening up dialog on whether to include community created content would open up a can of worms. More likely is that they've already told us all before they don't want help with the game, and we should all just respect their wishes. A hard pill to swallow maybe, but one the more actively creative persons (me included) on the forum should try to, nonetheless.

I'd still like to help out, but the lack of communication just kills any desire. The devs never asked for our help- every mod that has been created so far has been made by people taking their own initiative, for whatever reasons. Personally I don't really want to put in any more time if the game's going to radically change tomorrow. There are better things I could be doing.
I find it strange that the HighRes skies got greeted and welcomed by the DEV`S, and was implented into the game, when your fantastic work with the road textures didn`t even gor any notice from them.

My oppinion is that the Highres road textures should be as a standar in the latest version of LFS, like the highres skies is at the moment.

Many thanks from me, and probally on behalf of many others for the fantastic work you did, I hope it gets the attention it deserves.
Thanks TVE-

I know a lot of people who are very appreciative of the things the serious modders have done with LFS (the people really putting in the time and who have the patience to create good work). Imo LFS has gained a lot from people like Unseen, Justin, Bo, Don and others, not to mention all the talented skinners (there are too many to mention). Definitely these guys help give the game a bit more flair in its current state as the core game is being worked on.
#68 - SamH
Quote from Electrik Kar :I've put in literally hundreds of hours of graphics work for LFS- but silence on the part of the creators when I tried to contact them about offering help with textures translated into a simple message of discouragement. Maybe opening up dialog on whether to include community created content would open up a can of worms. More probable is that they've already told us all before they don't want help with the game, and we should all just respect their wishes.

I've been awestruck by some of the work you've turned out in the past, I must say.
Quote from Electrik Kar :A hard pill to swallow maybe, but one the more actively creative persons (me included) on the forum should try to, nonetheless.

This would be my advice too.

Very few of us know the future plans for LFS regarding a great many aspects of the sim, including its texture and model content. We don't know if the misc add-ons section contains content that conflicts with, or even duplicates, efforts on the part of the devs that we just haven't seen yet.

There may be many reasons and factors that we're unaware of, and certainly have no right to know, why much of the amazing content generated within the community isn't embraced by the devs and incorporated into downloads of the sim.

That's just how it is. We need to enjoy LFS for what it is, and what we can do with it in the moment.
Quote from Electrik Kar :Thanks TVE-

I know a lot of people who are very appreciative of the things the serious modders have done with LFS (the people really putting in the time and who have the patience to create good work). Imo LFS has gained a lot from people like Unseen, Justin, Bo, Don and others, not to mention all the talented skinners (there are too many to mention). Definitely these guys help give the game a bit more flair in its current state as the core game is being worked on.

What you say it`s very true, Live For Speed is a great game, but I don`t belive it would come as far as it have come if it wasn`t for the people in the communuty, that has contributed with tools, setups, skins, textures and a lot of more things.
(Sp!tfire) DELETED by Sp!tfire
Quote from The Very End :I find it strange that the HighRes skies got greeted and welcomed by the DEV`S, and was implented into the game, when your fantastic work with the road textures didn`t even gor any notice from them.

My oppinion is that the Highres road textures should be as a standar in the latest version of LFS, like the highres skies is at the moment.

Hi-res sky textures, when did that happen? Maybe I've really missed something

And what comes to user-created content getting accepted... of course DaveWS with the sounds is one exception.

Quote from Sp!tfire :If this is forbidden/restricted, then can we atleast show screenshots here?

Well, thet thread called "custom cars" which was a question about mods got removed last week. It only lasted like 1 day. No answer from the moderators why it was removed but I think the reason is quite obvious because it had links to your vids @ youtube and screenshots to the McLaren F1 by kegetys... if it was removed really because of that, I'm not really feeling good about this "censorship".
Those threads just raise too many questions, duplicate threads about where people can get them, etc. It isn't helpful to the community in any way (to show them what they'll never be able to get). It's best to forget about it all and have a cleaner forum.
Quote from Bob Smith :Those threads just raise too many questions, duplicate threads about where people can get them, etc. It isn't helpful to the community in any way (to show them what they'll never be able to get). It's best to forget about it all and have a cleaner forum.

Why isnt it helpful ? you are talking about LFS Users and not just moderators right? So what if theres a Mclaren parked in my street, you think i am ever going to be able to afford one? should it be allowed to park there ?
Oh yeah hang on just forget and pretend it never happens ...
Getting slowly back on topic .. Id like to make a mod that mods the moderators (Ingrediants - Vodka)
Quote from SilverArrows77 :

Try loading up something like EA F1 challenges online servers theses day and see how many hosts are using modded versions of the game - then try to find all the right versions yourself just to play on that host - is a nightmare

That is why all mods must be certified by a small "mod-certification group". And all mods !must! be released as part of LFS, maybe downloadable from lfsworld or directly in the game. But as you say, for offline play people can run non certified mods..
(Sp!tfire) DELETED by Sp!tfire
Quote from deggis :Hi-res sky textures, when did that happen? Maybe I've really missed something

And what comes to user-created content getting accepted... of course DaveWS with the sounds is one exception.

Well, thet thread called "custom cars" which was a question about mods got removed last week. It only lasted like 1 day. No answer from the moderators why it was removed but I think the reason is quite obvious because it had links to your vids @ youtube and screenshots to the McLaren F1 by kegetys... if it was removed really because of that, I'm not really feeling good about this "censorship".

I heared it somewhere, can`t remember where :/
If it`s not true, I`m sorry, but I belvied it was implented in game
Quote from bluejudas :That is why all mods must be certified by a small "mod-certification group". And all mods !must! be released as part of LFS, maybe downloadable from lfsworld or directly in the game. But as you say, for offline play people can run non certified mods..

And then I have to pay more for my internet, it was hell with rFactor and it will be hell if it happens to LFS.

Seriously, I can only download 12gb's a month, I don't want it to waste away because everytime I join a server a new carset must be downloaded.