The online racing simulator
Just got a dfp, now what?
(7 posts, started )
Just got a dfp, now what?
How do I get it to work lol.

Ive got profiler, plugged it in, it reads the device, but when i turn the wheel and push the pedals in the test it doesnt read.
dunno but i thought i would reply as you looked a bit lonely


have you looked in device manager to see if there is any yellow exclamation marks?
lol thanks dude, i fixed it, just needed to reset it.
but.. now in version q i cant get more than 90 degrees, it still turns but the most it will read in the game is 90, version x works perectly with the same settings. Anyone had this problem?
It's the anti-cracker feature of the DFP

Sorry, just had to pull that one out .
lol, nah not cracked, just want to use tweak with the wheel.
wow i helped fix it lol ive only had my dfp for a week

Just got a dfp, now what?
(7 posts, started )