The online racing simulator
Enemy Territory players meeting?
(38 posts, started )
Enemy Territory players meeting?
inspired by the "CS:S" thread ill ask here...who plays Enemy Territory and is interested in a meeting?
i know wheel4hummer does, but im sure there are many more.
doesnt matter if u just trickjump or if u play objective, just leave a message here (or contact me via msn) and we could have some fun!
even better if we could find a whole group of ppl and invade a server!
i downloaded the beta about a week ago, but no key...

But I've been playing in single player tonight, and it seems pretty ok so far. Actually, I enjoy it more the more I play. I'll probably be interested in the full game once it arrives, but I imagine Bioshock will be competing for my attention as well by then.

Framerate is pretty good on my machine (most details on high) even though its still in beta. The megatexture approach is novel and I like it- especially the mountains look really good. I'm sure this technology will go far in the years ahead.

Hope you can find some folks to play with,
BF2 PR Mod FTW!!! Already know a few LFS'ers that play it, good fun.

I forgot about ET, I'll see if I can give it a try, but I get annoyed by the Quake style gameplay in those kinds of games.
Yes, it's very Quake-ish, much more of a twitch game than BF2, I find it hard to keep track of my targets. There's been no ridiculous bunny-hopping though thank goodness- the AI seem to behave themselves , but I don't know what it's like online.
True Combat Elite is ok. Gets quite boring though.
Quote from Electrik Kar :But I've been playing in single player tonight, and it seems pretty ok so far.

ET has no single player mode.... We're talking about Enemy Territory, not Quake Wars.
Ahh, I read the top post wrong. I just quit out of ETQW and came on the forum and saw this thread, so I just assumed that's what it was.

Hmmm.. never played it
yea...quake wars sucks...

Enemy Territory is big fun, when u havent tried it yet u should!
oh and can a mod put "Wolfenstein:" in fron of the topic title to avoid further confusions?
I used to play it a lot a couple of years ago. Might have to download it again; if I do, I'll let you know. Tis' a great game, especially for free.
Quote from OneCrazyDiamond : Tis' a great game, especially for free.

indeed, i play it for almost 3 years and i still play many hours a day.
never been addicted to a game so much.
Quote : Enemy Territory is big fun, when u havent tried it yet u should!

I'll check it out, unless I have to pay for it. I remember both Wolfensteins, this was a gameplay mod for the second Wolfenstein yeah?
it was planned to be the multiplayer part for another wolfenstein title, however the devs werent happy with it so they released it for free!
its a completely standalone multiplayer game, which is open source as well (lotta nice mods around).
when u get it, make sure u update to 2.60b which is the latest version.
Played it for some time every day, not for the last 2 years though... So I guess I would be absolutely useless now...

Rifle 'nade FTW!
I love it

FG42 and/or satchel charges FTW!
not a bad game, iu would have played, but i lost my cd

Meh, ill stick to cod2
Quote from (-Mark-) :not a bad game, iu would have played, but i lost my cd

Meh, ill stick to cod2

You don't need one, just download it from the net!
I love ET i still play it; love the Thompson and M1grand
True Punishers FTW!!

^^ A clan I'm in

Any of you want to join, I can put a good word in with the clan head


I'm up for a meeting, but I will v54 alot.
I'll download a new copy if i haven't already deleted it. I used to play quite a bit, i was in the funny farm clan then had an arguement with one of the team leaders and got kicked out and started playing TMN. I'm interested in a meeting. Just depends when it is.
What's the gameplay like - is it an old-school style deathmatch like Quake?
Quote from thisnameistaken :What's the gameplay like - is it an old-school style deathmatch like Quake?

There are objectives and stuff. Engineers can build different things, for example. There are several different modes:
Stopwatch < Map is played, teams are switched, which ever team finished the map faster wins
Campaign < A series of maps, the team who wins the most maps wins the campaign, and gets more XP on that server
Objective < Just a bunch of single maps

ANd I think there might be deathmatch.
I don't really like W:ET that much, I think a lot of the levels are too small for the speed the players move and the unlimited respawns take out a lot of the potential for strategy.

However, I am going to be getting Quake Wars when it comes out, so if you want to arrange something then give me a yell

Enemy Territory players meeting?
(38 posts, started )