I've had my G-25 since approximately late January/early February. Currently, it is starting to emit a "burning Smell" after a few hours of usage.
Recently, I was on vacation and purchased rFactor and downloaded the highest rated mods and tracks to see what the hype was all about. I should have just tossed my forty-five bucks out the window of my truck and watched people in the street fight over the money because that would have been a whole lot more satisfying than the product I got. I found it extremely hard to get my wheel set up and after reading literally hundreds of forum posts, tinkering with ini. settings, and using the crummy "RealFeel", I never really found a setup as satisfying as the force feedback I get in Live For Speed. I had to set the feedback in rFactor higher than I like just to be able to keep the wheel centered. After I finally got fed up (and I'm a pretty patient guy) I came back home to LFS and now, after a few hours of racing, I can smell burning coming from the vents in the base of the wheel. Furthermore, the base feels sort of warm.
I am thinking that I might have damaged the motors in the wheel by over-working them. Has anyone experienced a burning smell from their G-25 and is it anything I should be concerned over?
I must say that my wheel has got some pretty heavy use in LFS throughout the year, but it was not until just very recently (after rFactor) that it gave me any grief. It might just be coincidence...or maybe I am just being punished for trying that stupid game. I don't know. It's not smoking and it's not getting hot...yet. I figure I'll just have to keep an eye on it and hope I can get a couple of more months out of it before I but a new one.
P.S. Sorry for playing rFactor and I hope yall forgive me.
To make amends, I am thinking of starting an rFactor Blows website as a service to the community so that no other race simmers throw their money away like I did.
Recently, I was on vacation and purchased rFactor and downloaded the highest rated mods and tracks to see what the hype was all about. I should have just tossed my forty-five bucks out the window of my truck and watched people in the street fight over the money because that would have been a whole lot more satisfying than the product I got. I found it extremely hard to get my wheel set up and after reading literally hundreds of forum posts, tinkering with ini. settings, and using the crummy "RealFeel", I never really found a setup as satisfying as the force feedback I get in Live For Speed. I had to set the feedback in rFactor higher than I like just to be able to keep the wheel centered. After I finally got fed up (and I'm a pretty patient guy) I came back home to LFS and now, after a few hours of racing, I can smell burning coming from the vents in the base of the wheel. Furthermore, the base feels sort of warm.
I am thinking that I might have damaged the motors in the wheel by over-working them. Has anyone experienced a burning smell from their G-25 and is it anything I should be concerned over?
I must say that my wheel has got some pretty heavy use in LFS throughout the year, but it was not until just very recently (after rFactor) that it gave me any grief. It might just be coincidence...or maybe I am just being punished for trying that stupid game. I don't know. It's not smoking and it's not getting hot...yet. I figure I'll just have to keep an eye on it and hope I can get a couple of more months out of it before I but a new one.
P.S. Sorry for playing rFactor and I hope yall forgive me.