Think i finaly realized why people hate these cars.. or prety much all non downforce cars. You simply need the "butt feel" in order to drive these kind of cars properly..
I'm a LX lover, but i can understand their low popularity.. You really really have to struggle with your wheel and countersteer like crazy because you can't sense the slide in your butt, instead you have to rely on your wheel to tell you that.. That's simply not possible...
I love to drive them, but i'm too sometimes frustrated when i chase a WR or some good time, then the driving becomes really nervous and i stop enjoying myself. When i drive them slowly, not thinking about the time, then the pleasure starts and you can really apreciate their excellent handling capabilities...
I remember driving LX4 on Fern Bay, boy i didn't enjoy that, people were passing me like a complete noob, and i was simply all over the place, strugling to even go straight.. I just think that with the curent hardware that we have, you just can't enjoy the non downforce cars in way they deserve it..
I'm a LX lover, but i can understand their low popularity.. You really really have to struggle with your wheel and countersteer like crazy because you can't sense the slide in your butt, instead you have to rely on your wheel to tell you that.. That's simply not possible...
I love to drive them, but i'm too sometimes frustrated when i chase a WR or some good time, then the driving becomes really nervous and i stop enjoying myself. When i drive them slowly, not thinking about the time, then the pleasure starts and you can really apreciate their excellent handling capabilities...
I remember driving LX4 on Fern Bay, boy i didn't enjoy that, people were passing me like a complete noob, and i was simply all over the place, strugling to even go straight.. I just think that with the curent hardware that we have, you just can't enjoy the non downforce cars in way they deserve it..