The online racing simulator
"We're sorry but Episode 2 needed to be taken down and will be back up shortly. We're sorry for any inconvienance this may have caused."

Maybe they are off to correct the errors about LFS?
Quote from audimasta :"We're sorry but Episode 2 needed to be taken down and will be back up shortly. We're sorry for any inconvienance this may have caused."

Maybe they are off to correct the errors about LFS?

And there were some

Major one: reason LFS is there is rubbish!
Major one 2: real cars.
Minor one: you do notice your wings damaged on open wheelers. Still to forgiving but its not like they state it.
Quote from audimasta :"We're sorry but Episode 2 needed to be taken down and will be back up shortly. We're sorry for any inconvienance this may have caused."

Maybe they are off to correct the errors about LFS?

If someone can't wait and want to see it badly it's still on stage6!
#55 - JTbo
Quote from St4Lk3R :whatda...? they uploaded the hi-res version already? cool

He did say that it still is, I would think it is the old one?
But then again its our interpretation there is gonna be a new one...right?
from what I can see, it is the old version (it contains the cutting error after the introduction, and the videos of FSR are bad quality).

EDIT @SpikeyMarcoD: I think there will be a new one, and even if it's only for the above-mentioned cutting error (or at least it seems like an error to me). They want to look professional, and I for myself am happy with that.
Not a bad effort, but WAY more research needed
The Intel Racing Tour is the reason we have the BMW Sauber, LFS exists for the reason Victor gave in the interview.

The real cars in LFS are the BF1, RAC and MRT.

The damage is a tempory measure to prevent deliberate wrecking.

I can't remember if there were any more mistakes apart from using the old S1 logo and footage of old looking AI instead of decent online races.
Grossly incorrect LFS facts aside, a substantial improvemnt over the first episode. I feel some of my earlier points are still valid but certainly to a lesser degree. Keep it up!
Yes, definitely better than the first episode, but I feel that Shaun especially in his reports is still very slow and monotone (and sometimes quiet too), and I don't like the new background music at all, but that is a moot point...
The second episode is down right now, but I am watching the first. Although not a profession production, it has good information and is generally well done.

A suggestion for a segment for Tools of the Trade is to do a segment on force feedback. You may ask ECCI why they don't have FF even though they have one of the best wheels on the market. The answer is licensing. It is extremely expensive to license the technology and if you can't amortize that expense over thousands of products, it makes FF prohibitively expensive. ECCI will tell you that their fluid damping system provides better feel than FF, but since it is not dynamic, it is a bit hard to believe. I think it is mostly because of the costs. Check out for more information. Immersion owns the Patent.

Also, the shifter segment was OK. But it would have been much better if a couple of different products were tested, compared and contrasted.
Seems the lo-res version is on again. I FFWD to LFS... dont see a difference. It still links LFS to Intel which is a grove misrepresentation. LFS exists much longer then that Intel Tour.
I'd like to see more criticism in the stories, I feel that most of the stuff is looked at bit too positively. Like the shifter test and LFS presentation. Or the preview of the score remax (sp?) mod(?) when all that was said about it was that it is great. No offence but surely you could have compared it to the obvious nascar 2003 and tell what it does better, even if it just an early beta

And my head kinda exploded when you said that the car sounds in LFS sound good or something like that. The car sounds in LFS are awful!

I really liked watching the show, it was pretty entertaining altough I had to skip few things because I was in a "hurry".

Keep going
The 2nd episode seemed alot better than the first one there. A very good improvement in a short amount of time. Well Done.

Others have already stated things that need to be changed, or improved. So all i can say, is well done. and good luck with it.. i will deffinatly be tuning in on future episodes.
Becky you were incredible in the booth! It's kinda nerve racking one you step into that live environment. Thanks for the compliments as well.

The hi-res version is now up Episode 2 is now back up and better than before !!!

Quote from Becky Rose :I thought it was a good show. Informative and entertaining. We need to get Shaun and Darin to smile at the camera (imagine it is naked guys) but you know this is better than my first broadcasts by a long way and these guys are still finding their feet, so it's only going to get even better.


I've started to find myself really looking forward to these shows. I tuned in for a lot of the SCCA broadcast too, although I couldn't seem to get enough bandwidth to watch it properly, and you were doing a good job there by finding things to talk about as we all know, endurance racing isn't usually spectator friendly but you gave it a real radio lemans feel.

I hope I didnt drag the quality down too much with my own brief appearance! lol. I have no idea what I even said when my mic was live, no idea at all.

Great job on the LFS item in the second episode, keep it up!
Quote :Becky you were incredible in the booth! It's kinda nerve racking one you step into that live environment. Thanks for the compliments as well.

Awww bless, I dont believe you though . Is it possible to get a download of the stream, or at least my segment of it, so I can see which of us is right?
You're getting there guys- if you could somehow smooth out the pace a bit I think the presentation would be lifted. Atm It's all a bit hacked together- but in time you'll find a rhythm that works, I'm sure.

A point I want to make is... you've gotta start showing ingame material on decent computers. Watching LFS (and some of the other sims) running at 10fps kind of takes away from the professionalism and realism of these sims. It was hard to make out the excellent physics when it was coming across so choppy like that. LFS doesn't require a beast to play, which means you must be running some pretty antique gear! My system is 3 years old and runs LFS smooth as silk- so that's one area I'd like to see improvements in for the future. Small point, but I just wanted to bring that up.

Otherwise, keep going! And cheers for supporting LFS. Hope all goes well for the future of your show.
Great job, a great improvement over episode 1 =) I will be waiting for your next broadcast. Hopefully something STCC inside =P
Good stuff guys!

I've never bothered with sim related media of any sort but I can safely say I've got this bookmarked and will watch any of the stuff you guys publish.

Still a bit dry, but I suppose that's to be expected with a low (no?) budget. Something about it makes me wince - I think it's just a bit too american for my tastes. It was much better than the first one though.
Good stuff guys

The presentation is getting better already and the content holds your interest for the full show. I'm impressed (and i saw my name twice on the CTRA of those 'look, I'm on TV' moments )

Keep up the great work. SRT is turning into a great show, I'll be tuning in for every episode for sure.
#75 - JTbo
Of course it is bit american as it is made by americans

That is actually why I like it so much, there is proper american spirit behind the show, I think these kind of projects are one thing great in their culture

Oh yes, anyone has a good link to tutorial how to make high FPS videos even your computer is not so quick? I think it has something to do playing replay with slower speed ? Maybe they could use something like that?