The online racing simulator
LFS Show, more info
(4 posts, started )
LFS Show, more info

Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere, but I am having trouble finding any info on LFS Show. How it works, what's required etc.

I have tried it and never been able to get it to work. At the moment I am getting and error saying "LFS must be in entry screen", which I assuming is the first screen with Single Player, Multiplayer, Replays etc, is this right?

I have set the insim_cfg.txt and Replays.txt but still no go. I am also assuming the location of the mpr files is on the ded server or should they be local with the LFSShow.exe?

I am also assuming it is compatable with the latest version? (I'm also using Vista)

Any tips would help.

Dont think that piece of software has been adapted for patch X?
I know its on the official site but i cannot imagine it works.
I was afraid that would be the situation. Is anyone aware of another way of achieving replay looping?
A bit of a work around for the time being, but I created a ColdFusion script to list the mpr's, and then create a batch file based on the mpr's available. You can then create a windows sch task to run the batch file. A bit dodgy, but does the job for the time being.

The only issue I am having is the time to reschedule the task based on the replay's completion time. If the tasks reruns before the first replay has finished.

Is there something in the mpr file to get the replay's total play time?

<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="yes">
<!--- get replay files --->
<cfdirectory action="list" directory="#application.mprDir#" name="getReplays">
<!--- create array for replays with more then 0 finishers --->
<cfset local.replays = arrayNew(1) />
<cfloop query="getReplays">
<cfif right(name,3) eq "mpr">
<cfset replayData = listToArray(name,'_') />
<cfif arrayLen(replayData) gt 0>
<cfset numLaps = replace(replayData[3],"L","","all") />
<cfif not find("0F",name) and size lt 400000 and numLaps lte 4>
<cfset temp = arrayAppend(local.replays,name) />
<cfcatch type="any"></cfcatch>

<cfset fileToPlay = local.replays[randrange(1,arrayLen(local.replays))] />
<cfsavecontent variable="toBatch">echo playing #fileToPlay#
<cffile action="write" addnewline="no" file="#application.mprDir#playlfs.bat" output="#toBatch#">

LFS Show, more info
(4 posts, started )