The online racing simulator
damn, this is so boring, spins of ferraris..... wth is going on?
Quote from sweetreid :my prediction: safety car runs out of gas before 67 laps.


And I woke up for seeing such a 'race'...
lap 12, still as wet.... Can't they just start the damn thing. If they can't handle it, tough...
They have to do something or I'll go to sleep.
Quote from sweetreid :my prediction: safety car runs out of gas before 67 laps.

In that case the medical car would do the SC´s job

:ices_rofl @ Ferraris optimism
Yamamoto got a problem? Water related?

More action on the forums than on track.. that's how boring this is...
#32 - JCTK
but yay~ they've finally gone racing~!
*hopes Vettel takes the lead*

Race is really picking up now .
Vettel leading!!!!!
Alonso out!
#37 - JCTK
Alonso stuff it into the walls~!!!

Hamilton, please keep it on the road for the remaining 25 laps now...
pfft. what a bunch of crap
I love rain. This is awesome
OMG SC out and Vettel kicks Webber (and himself) out >___< stupid is it to interview an angry Australian on live TV

Second...Well said Mark, good to see someone has common sense in F1.

For those who missed it, this is what he had to say about Vettel punting him out.

"Its just kids, kids without enough experiance, then f*** it up"
... then Webber says f**k in the interview afterwards.
Damn he's an unlucky bastard though...
This is probably the most mental F1 race I have ever seen, although I noticed there was actually more overtaking during the SC period, at the start of the race, than there is under normal racing conditions.
#44 - JCTK
how blatant is this "team order"~?!!!!
lets pit Massa to let Kimi thru....
Come on! "He needed fuel!"

Ferrari is ridiculous.

They could have just let Massa go wide in one corner and only lose the place to Raikkönen instead of being out of the points. It would have been just as obvious as this. illepall
dont think so, screwed up the fueling for him earlier

given championship positions, no one would have minded if massa had been "made aware" that kimi was behind him, different to team orders when both drivers have realistic championship hopes
looks like a good fight for 2nd though

Kubica is great.