The online racing simulator
me on beach :)
(41 posts, started )
me on beach :)

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me on beach in lfs.jpg
#2 - Jakg
Low Resolution + No AA + All Options On Low = FAIL
Quote from Jakg :Low Resolution + No AA + All Options On Low = FAIL

my computer SUCKS
i am lucky to even be playing lfs my computer has low crap that i hate and i am saving for a new computer.
#5 - Jakg
In screenshots you can get 0.1 FPS and no-one will know

When i take my screenshots i only get 10 fps.

It doesn't matter how crap your computer is, you can still turn up the options.
maybe his gfx card doesnt have AA???

come one l33tz0r jack.. think...
#7 - Jakg
Did i say he had to add AA?

95% of GFX cards support AA, but even if his didn't he could still turn the options up so i could actually see wtf it was a screenshot of.
agree jack
How the heck you do that? I have seen some videos where they people are driving on the beach, how?
Just currious hehe.
Haha I'd also like to know how you got there xD I'm having a stab at a a lag spike made you get there...? :S :P

btw, is this forum always this cold? /ot

edit: oh better go and place a startpoint now then xD

And lol Jagk, you`re a post whore and a AA/AF whore
This was obviously worth a new thread.
WTHeck? how'd you get there? and higher res please. screenshots are not movies, so turn up that AA and AF!
Quote from Jakg :Did i say he had to add AA?

95% of GFX cards support AA, but even if his didn't he could still turn the options up so i could actually see wtf it was a screenshot of.

ohhh wow, I wish that you jack could try my ati 9250 128mb "whicxh" support aa
WOW talk about crap pc
... well i am only 13 so i don't know how to do that gfx card stuff.
Age means nothing really, just google it or post in this forum.

I have probably seen better graphics on the Sega Master system
Quote from mutt107 :... well i am only 13 so i don't know how to do that gfx card stuff.

i'm 14 and I have a pretty good idea how to ;P
well i don't and if i putt all the stuff up in the game i get very low fps wen i race
Pretty cool place, can you drive on that surface or no? And as for taking screens on a crappy computer, you'd be surprized. I can only do 1024x768 with no AA or AF, that is MAX, and if too much stuff is going on LFS will just crash. So don't be thinking everybody can just magically make games look good.
Quote from mutt107 :well i don't and if i putt all the stuff up in the game i get very low fps wen i race

yes. I don't drive with the highest resolution and stuff. I lower it so I get better framerates. and when I want to take a screenie, I turn all the options higher.
God... last thing we want is a kid dick around with LFS and tell his friends how LEET he is by going to the beach...
Quote from -DrftMstr- :God... last thing we want is a kid dick around with LFS and tell his friends how LEET he is by going to the beach...

dont call me that!!!
I built a computer at 14. No lie..
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me on beach :)
(41 posts, started )