my white lines all jagged in game
ok when i am driving i see alot of jagged movement on the white lines a shiny affect on the kurbs it all on hight i have set all grahics to higth quality and car has gone to hight quality but them dam weird lines on edge off road making it hard they was not there before i just formated pc now i cant fix it =(

plz help
Attached images
lfs is in directx8 i believe, so it isnt perfect eye candy. put AA and AF to 8 or higher and maybe itll help.
There's a limit to how fine a continuous line can be drawn on your monitor without making it artificially thick or blurry.
#4 - word.
Use Anti-Aliasing and Anisortorfic filtering. You should find these options in your graphics card driver control panel. Do you have Nvidia or ATI?
Quote from Austin31287 :ok when i am driving i see alot of jagged movement on the white lines a shiny affect on the kurbs it all on hight i have set all grahics to higth quality and car has gone to hight quality but them dam weird lines on edge off road making it hard they was not there before i just formated pc now i cant fix it =(

plz help

Everything they told you is bullshit !!!

I bet you are using an ATi ,if yes try to stick with Catalyst 7.8 everything newer than this seems to bring this nasty Fx on

(I have the same prob and im using 2900xt but i cant stick with 7.8 cause 7.10 is like day and night in performance compared to 7.8 for my card , and im not speaking about directx 8 games like lfs =p )
#6 - Jakg
Quote from MijnWraak :lfs is in directx8 i believe, so it isnt perfect eye candy. put AA and AF to 8 or higher and maybe itll help.

How could DX8 cause this..?!

It's either a MIP Bias setting, or it's AA.
Quote from Jakg :How could DX8 cause this..?!

It's either a MIP Bias setting, or it's AA.

I'm not sure what it is, but I noticed a drop in quality when I installed my 8800GTS - I therefor primarely suspect it's a driver issue. Running @ higest resulution and full AA + AF doesn't eleminate the jaggies. Quiet unsatisfactory.
OMG that weird it fixed it self ^^ and yes i have a nvidia that takes dx9 ty who try help
#9 - Jakg
What was your card before, r4ptor? If it was ATi, then i can understand, but if it was an nVidia before Kev had the same problem, and he fixed it with an LOD setting in the drivers.
Fixed itself? :O

@Jakg: hm.. can barely remember - Nvidia 7900GT, me thinks - but defenatly not an ATI. Been ages since I had one.

I've tried with best possible settings, both within LFS and from driver setting and IMO the result isn't spetacular.

OT: I'm also annoyed at some of the LOD that seems to be hardcoded.
(JasonJ) DELETED by JasonJ