I've been in quite a few crashes, but my worst was about 6 months ago. I was coming back from a party, with my gf, her freind, one of my mates and his brother. We all got into his car (Escort Cosworth) and took off. The guy dave always race's everywhere, so we were used to him putting his foot down. As we came onto a country lane, we sped round a corner. We dont know why (worn tyres? Extra weight on the rear?) the back just slid out for no reason. This dragged the rear out into a ditch, and then when the car hit it, and we flew in the air and rolled. Thats all i remember until the car hit the the floor again. I hit my head, and was knocked out, my gf had cuts and bruise but was'nt too bad. Her freind broken one of her arms and really hurt her leg, my mate connor also smacked his head on the roof, and but it open but managed to keep consious. His brother broken his arm, as when the car was spinning, the doctors said it got out the window, and then the car landed on it.
The car was upside down, and i was left in the car, as they did'nt want to move me incase they done anymore damage. Eventually, ambulances arrived, and we were all taken to the hospital. Natalie and my mate were discharged after there cuts were treated, my mates brother and natalies freind were kept in for 4 days, and i was kept in for just over a week. I was unconcious for 4 days, and then i got a 3 inch gash on my leg treated, but luckily suffered no broken bones. After i was treated, i discharged myself, and went straight home and got changed. I rang everyone who was in the car, to find out if they was ok, and what happened. As i said, all i remember is upto where the cossy hit the ground after flipping. All the rest is what i've been told.
Obviously, the car was a right off, which is a shame as it was quite special (over 550hp, one off paintjob etc.). Fortunately, he has started a new project but i will make sure to ask him to slow down next time