i give up i really do
yes i want it all grafix sound and physics im not kidding myself there for 1 second!, but if there is a game genre where FPS counts its a race sim, so performance is a big issue and if we did have it all you can wipe HALF the LFS playerbase out cus there rigs wouldnt cope...
as for S3?/ its a good few years away yet s2 aint done yet for gawd sake, so a full release of S3??? minimum 1 and a half years i would say 2 maybe 3 to be fair, at which time the average home PC will be better or atleast as good as what a top end rig is now....
yes also in that time grafix and "special effects" will also have gone forward, but imo LFS will never be in that zone, and im personaly pleased with that.....
its like in the 80/90's with the brit/german/us car manufactures, while we was fudging about with all new technology, airbags/lecky windos and centrel locking the japs manufactures used all our old technology, there cars worked and ours were being called back and spending more time in the garages, yep no question that new stuff is common place today but it works today, then it was all new and came with its problems....
LFS goes with what works well, yes i would LOVE LFS to be cutting edge with no problems and everyone who is here today to run it like butter but thats just not possible....
another game i play WWIIOL, is very mutch like LFS, and its grafix ARE BAD, and its been stated in every review, BUT the devs have made something that no other war simulaion can, its content is huge, therefore its shelf life is near infinate, same goes for LFS..
ive said it once and ill say it again, LFS is NOT perfect, its not a dreamboat in the technology department, but it hits the best medium, a strike between the two..
these bigg developers are interested in one thing... shifting vast amounts of copies for high prices, what LFS has sold since its payment release would make EA cry if they only sold that many in 24 hours!!!!!!!, they knock out MILLIONS, and they dont care that i have loads of games that i dont play anymore, cus they already have my money and are on the NEXT project, and buisy trying to get the next £50 out of my pocket,
if LFS dies, i dont really think the devs would turn round and say while rubbing there hands together "made a tidy penny out of that one heh? ok next game victor" your in a completly different area with LFS and thats why i love it, cus i know that the devs go to sleep at night thinking how to make LFS more enjoyable for US, not go to sleep thinking what rolls royce there gona buy the next day....
i see so many people whine about drivers for this, patches for that, cus the devs carnt be arsed to patch a fix, thats becasue you have paid you money and now they dont care, the only time they will is if its a pretty new product and it could cause them profit loss in the future for THAT product, once there new line come out there laughing all the way to the bank AGAIN.. thats just buisness with these big guys, and thats why these games "LFS" are special, and thats why ill be here for some time to come...
back to grafix, ok you may have a better rig than me and get 20000 FPS and there are a few on here that could handle LFS maxed out with killer grafix/sound and the finished article, BUT LFS WOULD DIE!!!!!!!, your gona get bored cus the player base has just been smashed to bitts, the devs carnt carry on cus there arnt enough people buying cus not enough can run it, LFS dies and thats FACT...
if you want high end this, high end that, go for it and best of luck to you, but i will put my house on it !!!!!!LFS will still give you best bang for ya buck!!!!!!,
im gona get off my box now