The online racing simulator
stock car racing
(10 posts, started )
stock car racing
i am currently a member of the gentlefoot racing league. and wanted to move to stock cars fxo gtr,xr gtr,fz50 gtr.

does anybody know of a good stock series?

also where can i get the best skins?
Maybe have a look at oval junkies like [FM] and see if they have any leagues going.

I still find it odd how some people call the big GTR's stock cars ^_^
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :
I still find it odd how some people call the big GTR's stock cars ^_^

I know what you mean - to me, this is a stock car:

For me a stock car is an unmodified car.
Thinking "stock car" in the LFS sense, I assume it is meant oval racing. The true "stock" cars in LFS are the XFG/RG, TBO, and LFR classes, which are normally known at "road cars" in the forum here. When folks talk about stock car racing, they usually mean oval racing because of the NASCAR stockcar racing thinking.
lol didn't know i would start a debate of terms.

a stock car is a production car that is raced. nascar drew this term cause orignally they raced the same cars they drove to work.

gtr's are for the argument of terms stock cars and touring cars depending on which side of the hemisphere your on.

yes? maybe? no? your an idiot?
I think 'Stock Car' in the british sense is one of those idiosyncracies you get sometimes. I think it originally was a racing series that did race 'stock cars', in the sense that they were as seen in the showroom without any modifications. They've just over time evolved into the open-wheeled, single seat, enclosed cockpit and roof-mounted wing shown in the pic I posted while the name hasn't changed along with the cars. As jb42682 said, european Touring Cars more fits the US idea of Stock Car racing.
Quote from Crashgate3 :I know what you mean - to me, this is a stock car:

To me, that is a Sprint car.

Touring car is what I call racing with a sedan or coupe type car that has been modified to some extent for racing.

I leave "stock" car to mostly oval racing done here in the US and to some select club racing classes like the SCCA "Show Room Stock" class (those cars are street cars with roll cages and not much more).

To the OP, like said above, LOTA is probalby your best bet right now for a US based series. There are some very fine series run on weekend evenings in Europe that fit pretty nicely into the weekend schedule here as long as you are willing to get up pretty early in the morning.
the FXO is stock enough for me.

stock car racing
(10 posts, started )