The online racing simulator
Will the AI be more aware of us in the next patch?
Scawen states:

"Their racing line is now calculated in a much better way. They can drive much faster and more consistently than in the old version."

"They adjust their driving to deal with the condition of their tires and changing weight due to fuel usage"

Does this mean that the AI will slam into me a lot harder now? He didn't really mention anything about whether the AI has been tweaked to avoid the player. Nice to know that they will adjust their driving based on the condition of their tires but what will they do if I'm going too slow, slam into me as usual? Lawsuit :-)
Yeah, I really can't see the AI being too useful unless they learn to play with others a little bit better. I literally had one shove me off track on the straight @ blackwood because he preferred a line where he swept across the track where is kinks sort of...
I seriously doubt he would put all that work into the AI to get it ready for S2 final, and NOT address their "awareness" problem :doh:
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :I seriously doubt he would put all that work into the AI to get it ready for S2 final, and NOT address their "awareness" problem :doh:

This probably will not be the only time the AI is updated before S2 final.

AI awareness may very well not be improved at all in this patch. Then again, it could be.

We'll see soon enough.
My bet is on 'fixed'. I'll fight anyone who disagrees.
Just going by the quality of Scawen's work to date, I would bet that the AI will be able to at least move from it's line to overtake and avoid, otherwise he wouldn't release it.

However, don't get your hopes up.

Nobody in the history of everything has ever made AI that can replicate the little random and smart (and not so smart) things that humans do. So I don't expect Scawen to suddenly achieve this either.

The presence of 'competent' AI cars on track is all that we should expect, and don't think you'll be able to dice and race with them in the same way as you can with other humans.
you must admit that the current ai's penchant for taking their line no matter who or what is already there is good practice for racing against some real drivers online

seriously though i must admit that one of my stand out memories of the grand prix series of "games" was going down the main straight at mexico and being totally stunned when a ferrari that i'd just passed re passed me
Well, if you observe in the video, you notice how the XF driver takes a tighter line than the ideal racing line in order to avoid the other AI driver so I'd say theres a good chance they have some form of awareness.
well, AI's are avoiding you if you park on their line, but depending on the speed they are going they don't always have enough time to react, so I suppose it will be improved quite a lot *fingers crossed*
I have never had a problem with the AI ramming me with the current update. Unless you break at a moment that is unforseen or not normal and unpredictible then you souldn't have a problem. I have had worse accidental rammings on muliplayer than in single player racing against AI. The only problem with AI in my case is their fastest laps(wich are slow), and the line up into corners. Only three or four of them seemed to defend or try to pass other AI upon entry, but other wise thats about it as long as you have overlap on them, they seem to give a little too much room if you ask me.
Quote from tinvek :you must admit that the current ai's penchant for taking their line no matter who or what is already there is good practice for racing against some real drivers online

I'd have to agree with tinvek too, some people just seem as though they can go where ever they want to go, even if one has overlap, and complain like they cut in on their line, rather than them cutting across the other's line.
We'll see won't we!

Hopefully we can finally have challenging AI driving at a fast pace. Will be great fun to race offline, for once - no wrecking!

Quote from uttoro :Just watch the video, when the AI drivers pit out: the pink UF slams into the XFG.

I bet on: they are still blind.

That video doesn't show the final version of the patch or the AI standards, if it did and the patch was done, why isn't it released?
Just watch the video, when the AI drivers pit out: the pink UF slams into the XFG.

I bet on: they are still blind.
Quote from mcintyrej :We'll see won't we!

Hopefully we can finally have challenging AI driving at a fast pace. Will be great fun to race offline, for once - no wrecking!

That video doesn't show the final version of the patch or the AI standards, if it did and the patch was done, why isn't it released?

Atleast AI's won't report you
Quote from [RF]-art555 :Atleast AI's won't report you

Exactly! Or voteban you.

I think AI has been the one thing missing from LFS that we've all actually missed, but not realised. You jump online, no decent servers running a good combo you want, ahh you just go back to your desktop and do something else. With fast AI, no decent servers - Single player! I think something like that old credit system should be put back in, but not as in you need to win so many races. But come to think of it...

The old credit system, you win a race you gain points...Get to drive the next cars. Online cars are unlimited, no credits needed for those, but I think the credit system on singleplayer provides somewhat a crude version of a story mode. Winning races and advancing on.

I think something like that would be good in S2 final. Even as an option, keep "single player" as it is now, you choose track/car/AI. Then just include a "story mode" which basically decides the track for you and you work up in the car list from the UF1.
you have got a point there mcintyrej, 'cept it should just be the Lessons that do the credit/point thingy.
Quote from legoflamb :you have got a point there mcintyrej, 'cept it should just be the Lessons that do the credit/point thingy.

The lessons are alright, they serve their own purpose though. I did those a few months after I got S2 and my driving improved a lot, thats why they're called lessons. I think the credit system would add an insentive to buy the game for something other than online play.
I very much doubt the AI will be able to avoid you this patch. They should be better time-wise, but it's a whole other ballgame trying to get them to recalculate a route when something is blocking the way. That'll be a later patch.
Let's get their basic "I can drive this car round this track without flying off at every corner" before we make matters more complicated
Quote from Dajmin :I very much doubt the AI will be able to avoid you this patch. They should be better time-wise, but it's a whole other ballgame trying to get them to recalculate a route when something is blocking the way. That'll be a later patch.
Let's get their basic "I can drive this car round this track without flying off at every corner" before we make matters more complicated

Well if overtaking is impossible (and with stronger AI it's gonna be hellish) they are pretty much useless!
The current AI have no concept of you being there, therefore the new can't possibly be any worse, as they drive faster, so are less likely to get in your way in that sense.

Therefore the answer to the question posted as the thread title, is yes

I think they will be a great addition, mainly allowing people who want to go on a current combo to be entertained by the game while waiting. That's why there are bots in CS. Gives you something to do while letting the server fill up for a good real race....
#21 - axus
I think it needs to be done before S2 final anyway. And I think the devs really want to get that finished now . So I highly doubt that this was left out.
i'd like a offline championship mode , and hope the patch will address the aware issue ...
Quote from psy00 :i'd like a offline championship mode , and hope the patch will address the aware issue ...

offline championship? nah way to easy, even if the ais would drive faster than they do now it would still be no fun at all. just too easy. unless u give them fox and ride urself in fb02 or something
Quote from Dajmin :I very much doubt the AI will be able to avoid you this patch. They should be better time-wise, but it's a whole other ballgame trying to get them to recalculate a route when something is blocking the way. That'll be a later patch.
Let's get their basic "I can drive this car round this track without flying off at every corner" before we make matters more complicated

Yeah, but isn't that why we have the ability to train the AI now? Seriously, my biggest complaint with the AI is that they are retarded and seem to just follow a line around the track no matter what. That to me is the biggest flaw. Trying to make them faster seems useless with the above still broken. I have a hard time believing the guy that stated that he doesn't have a problem with the AI ramming him. When I start a race with all the AI drivers behind me, I know the first thing that I have to do is pull over to the side. I stay in my virtual lane and still get rammed. This should be the first thing they fix when addressing AI.
One thing I've noticed is that a couple of my AI's (which sadly got erased when I installed the LFS high res thing from lfs-database) had more of a tendency to attempt overtaking maneuvers than others and were much more flexible when it came to being side-by-side into a turn with.

Using road cars what I had done with them was let them train until they got to their "peak" with a stable setup that was tuned to not overheat tyres then set them up in races against untrained AIs and put them at the end of the grid and if I was in the race I'd also rough-house them a bit. The results weren't spectacular, but those specific AIs were better than the rest when it came to behaving in traffic.

However the only reason I'd really use AI would be to have slightly more interesting practice sessions (more traffic) on combos that I can't find online. Not so much for races.