Downloaded the patch last night.
I was a bit apprehensive about this patch having read some of the comments on the forums, so I decided to back up my entire LFS directory just in case.
Didn't bother re-naming sets and all that jazz 'cos I was only gonna give it a quick try before restoring the original LFS directory and waiting patiently for the next patch.
Had a quick look 'round the new BM' - very nice! Didn't go for it straight off though. I wanted to try a few familiar cars first, so I could compare and see what all the fuss was about.
Here's where I went:
- South City, my fav circuit. Lots of lumps, bumps and feedback - lovely.
Here's what I drove:
- The FOX, the MRT [big grin!] and the LX4
Here's what I liked:
- The AI is quicker, especially down the straights where it seemed to run out of puff before, and it no longer gives up once you overtake. It keeps trying. Nice.
- 'Peek-a-boo' rear view with the virtual mirror. I actually like this. I can still see where I'm going while glancing behind.
- Is it my imagination, or are the real mirrors clearer? Noticed this on the FOX in particular.
- Bum-jiggling, teeth-chattering curbs in the MRT. Smashin'!
- Small X,Yand Z adjustments in FCP. Much better. Thank you.
- Slow lap by the AI after the finish to get back to the pits. Nice touch.
- Standard sets seem good.
- Gear, revs, etc., HUD when in 'no wheel' view. Nice and clear without being too arcadey (sp?) :/
- The white Castrol barriers on the left hand side in the approach to the SC chicaine. Thank you SO much! These provide contrast with the barrier immediately ahead, so now I can actually see the entry point to the chicaine before its too late. Afraid I didn't have time to admire all the other graphical improvements on this circuit though, because of ...
... the bombshell ...
The Handling:
- Holy cow, what happened? Quite frankly LFS used to be the most realistic driving sim of them all for me, and now ... it's even better? Don't know how they did it - don't care really - this is cool.
It amazes me how the visual cues and the feedback in the wheel alone create such a convincing illusion in the complete absence of any g-forces or seat-of-the-pants feedback. This was good before, but (imho) it's even better now.
For example, driving the FOX, there are no surprises any more. I can 'feel' the car on the road and I know when I'm about to spin or run out of road 'cos I can feel it coming. Change down too soon and the way the back end tries to slew 'round just feels so real. I can feel where the limit is better than before. Even spins (and my attempts to correct them) feel more convincing.
I suppose what I'm trying to say is that now the illusion is even better for me. It just feels more like I'm actually in a car, on the road. I don't know really. I can only assume it's a combination of all the changes made - the tyres, the engine modelling, the slightly bumpier ride and the slightly better visual feedback. I guess they all contribute.
Oh, and no probs with clutch for me, b.t.w. I've got the standard two pedal DFP setup and the most I got was a little bit of orange where I occasionally forgot to lift out of habit. By the end of the session though, I'd got used to it. (Might even go so far as to say I enjoyed it.) I also liked the fact that the three cars I drove all had slightly different throttle blipping/lifting requirements. It adds to their individual driving characteristics.
Anyway, before I knew it, I was still hacking 'round South City at 3.00am this morning, totally immersed (yet again) in the LFS world.
Doesn't look like I'll be restoring my original LFS directory after all, then.
X30's a keeper for me.
Hats off to the Devs - Top Bombin'.