...'cause i use a (nowadays comparatively low-res) 19" 5/4 1280x1024pix screen and a nice bit of viewing angle in IN-CAR-VIEW with cockpit on and no aditional hid of any of the main gages.
digital speedo thus helped me a lot to "test the rest", made it possible for me to memorise the speed i crashed at in the difficult corners. Remembering speed was my way of discovering the limit at braking-points, turn-ins, full-throttle points (out of the corner).
Or like "how fast can i run through that chicane just not crashing it? Things where the digital speedo come in quite handy, especially if you play around with gear ratios a lot, when doing/tweaking your own setups(...)
BUT:: This is about the only complaint I have out of the blue without even having tested the new testpatch (which I am just about to do, now). Seriously: everything else will prove exactly right, since it allows good drivers to be on top again without having to fear the unexperienced and "give me all that'll make me faster" fraction on the track.
So let's try her out...
See you on track