The online racing simulator
Comments on this skin please

I'm posting this thread because the skin isn't finished but once it is I'll post it in the correct section.

Below is my new FHCR - Fort Hill Clan Racing skin. This is my first skin. I would like some comments on it please. Whether you like it or not, if there is anything to add or remove from it or any other comments would be warmly accepted.

Also I would like some help with the logo of the team name as well.

Thanks in advance. If this is incorrect - the placement, then can a mod move it and sorry for the trouble.

Attached images
Personally, I would add a shadow of the yellow onto the blue, to make it look a bit layered. And it needs 'something' at the back, either a splash of colour, or another logo, to break up the colour a touch.

Otherwise, nice work for a first skin.
Thanks tristan thats what I also think. However what do you mean by "I would add a shadow to the yellow onto the blue to make it look a bit layered" ?


Between the yellow and blue sections, add a dark shadow, so that it looks like the yellow bit is a couple of inches above the blue bit (or vice versa). It'd just add some depth - at the moment the colour change is too sudden...
The colour change also gets lost sometimes, unless you're really looking at it. Adding an outline or a shadow will break up the colours, highlighting the design.

I agree with the other posts here.

Also, you spilled some paint on the exhaust pipes :P Otherwise, great first skin!
#7 - Gunn
Quote from Fragmatic :
Also, you spilled some paint on the exhaust pipes :P

Only the tips of the pipes are tinted blue.