The online racing simulator
Y Patch Sucks! GO BACK TO X!
(83 posts, closed, started )
sry about the post but ithought it was funny but it was i bit imature. but now i agree with mazz4200 give him a break he trying to make amends but people are now just getting stabs in for no reason i think that you should only post if you have something constructive to say.
i know this is a simulator, thats wat i was looking for the longest, i never like "Games", i like "Simulators" but sometimes they r just hard to find. the only 2 simulators i play r Live For Speed S2 and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 and Microsoft Flight Simulator X
Quote from spankmeyer :Ahem.


Ahem Ahem.

You're not immune.

offensive attachment removed by Gunn
so far the only thing i have to say about the patch Y is that they took out the XRT from the demo wich really stinks! that should be fixed!
Why? You have S2, why do you care what the demoers have?
LFS just keeps getting better, more realism, more fun. Thank you LFS team
this thread is way out of hand and is nothing but bashing each other.

i'm closing it and issuing warnings to ALL of those who have taken the forum rules to and past its limit..

this sort of thing really disgusts me
This thread is closed

Y Patch Sucks! GO BACK TO X!
(83 posts, closed, started )