The online racing simulator
Proper suspension model
(27 posts, started )
Proper suspension model
No, not the physics, but the 3d modelling of the suspension, specially in open wheelers.

There's no real intricate connection, its just a suspension wishbone interpolating with the wheel support, not really mechanical. I'd like to see it completely modeled, as NKPro has, it helps with the visual imersion.

And if possible doing the same for the tin tops.

just a pet peeve of mine
it also helps if the A-Arms are attached to the car.
I'd like to see that too, in both types of car. I'd also like to see those parts being ripped violently from the car during collisions and I'd really like to see wheels bouncing down the road after pileups or big wall-hits

These things have been suggested before and hopefully they're on the devs' list of Things To Do. In the meantime, I guess I'll have to be content with staying on the track, avoiding contact with the other cars and attempting to go fast
Yes, I absolutely agree. And I think it should be visible in the "forces" view as well.

I always played Viper Racing from the suspension view, a really great way to see what the car is doing and how well the front suspension setup is working

I also play LFS from the wheels view, for similar reasons. I use a small analogue joystick instead of my Momo, so I need very accurate visual feedback since I don't get any FFB. If I can't feel the front tires, at least I can see them
Yes, this would be nice when we get rid of the high nose bug. Atm. you can barely see your front tires
Quote from Batterypark :Yes, I absolutely agree. And I think it should be visible in the "forces" view as well.

I always played Viper Racing from the suspension view, a really great way to see what the car is doing and how well the front suspension setup is working

I also play LFS from the wheels view, for similar reasons. I use a small analogue joystick instead of my Momo, so I need very accurate visual feedback since I don't get any FFB. If I can't feel the front tires, at least I can see them

Indeed this is needed. The glowing rotors in Viper were a nice touch also!

Braking at the end of a long straight and seeing them start to glow and then eventually cool off again was really nice.
Speaking of Viper Racing, does anyone still have a copy? Or is it not abandonware yet?
I own a copy, have not tried it in years. I did once manage to bend a car in half. It was an ugly crash.
Let me know if you don't mind sending me a copy.
In the career mode's last season, Nussbaum used to beat me by the tiniest margins. I played by keyboard, now I'd like to try it again, but the backup I'd made is corrupted.
I wish we had moddelled suspension too. I agree.

The arms are very simple on open wheelers as well, and just simple straight bars. Not to mention, the LX needs a spring showing on the front suspension.

And all other touring cars or whatever have no visible arms at all, and it looks wierd when you have a high rally set or sometihng and there are just wheels floating.

Also, a related subject.... we need the wheels to fall off! Practically all simulations these days have wheels that fall off from immense damage or impact, and LFS shouldn't be something without that.

Again I agree 10x for this suspension modelling, it is an aspect of detail that really does matter with how detailed the suspension physics are currently. (and just looks goofy without)
Quote from Breizh :Let me know if you don't mind sending me a copy.
In the career mode's last season, Nussbaum used to beat me by the tiniest margins. I played by keyboard, now I'd like to try it again, but the backup I'd made is corrupted.

i have a copy, but it's not fun running it with winNT 5.1 since the sound is crippled and crackels all trough the game.
this happend on all kinds of audio A/D converters. onboard/plug-in cards.
it's around 30MB zip file now, i can mail it in 5MB pieces...
pm me if you want it...

besides i don't think it's abandonware by now.
I found it on the net, and it doesn't work when racing, although the benchmark runs fine.
There's a patch for it at , but once patched, the game needs the CD to play.
Oh well.

edit- Found a fix, everything works, except the inputs are all 0/1. Bummer.
i say screw it and give us a model thats not only pleasing to the eye but up to standards
(and looks like it really should...)

(the model wasnt ever completed and i still dont feel like completeing it lol as it has no use to me right now.. anyways, tweak wanted everyone to see this)

ladies and gentlemen of all kind; this.. this is what the models of LFS should appear to the eye as!

(reference pic requested by tweak so you all understand what the real thing does look like: ... der/cat/04/2/CAT04_71.JPG)
Attached images
Nice pic I like the rollcage too. Good one!
Indeed again very nice render
#16 - Gunn
IRL some open wheelers have pretty much no suspension at all to speak of. They really can look just like a bunch of bars that flex a bit. But apart from these types of cars, 3D suspension modelling would look very cool. A faster PC might be handy though.
Less aero drag the better.....
and while we're at it, add tyre to tyre contact physics .
Quote from RMachucaA :and while we're at it, add tyre to tyre contact physics .

Good point.. I think before the alpha was released, Victor said in an interview that it would be implemented in S2.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from Batterypark :Good point.. I think before the alpha was released, Victor said in an interview that it would be implemented in S2.

A few of the dev's interview answers are not true in my opinion --- that was nearly a year ago, and we haven't seen a lot of the proposed 'interview ideas' in S2. Just a matter of the devs actually doing it, don't listen to most of the words in those interviews, sometimes those things never happen as scheduled (or as fast as you think).
This is sort of off topic, but when ever you have a hard hit, the aerodynamics change. So, it would be nice to be able to "rip off" bumpers if they are all torn up.
wheels braking off would be nice.
Allrighty, now with the patch coming out with an F1, and several improvements.... minus proper suspension models, i'll bump the thread back to life.... looking at the F1 model and seeing all of the sloppy suspension connections is just wrong, its an F1, it should be a model to rule all other models... it should be the baby that carries lfs to a mainstream market.. but as it is now, it does not fill the part graphically. I know theres a poly limit, but there should be an excemption made for this.

Heck, i'll even do it for free if eric is tight on time. i got the credentials.

It's fine, I don't see what the big deal is.

Proper suspension model
(27 posts, started )