I'm sure everyone is appreciating your work, I am at least
But also some comments are voicing disappointed minds, this happens quite easily when made promise is not possible to keep, what ever reason.
That is just one not so nice side effect when you release something, also you will find there are going to be people that are completely against what you do, but that is something nobody can't do anything about.
There will be also need for more type of posts coming and such, one have to just accept such and mostly ignore them, checking if there is valuable is of course always a good idea.
Look what people did post to patch Y release thread for example, there were not very nice comments among them.
Also I have found it does not matter if released software is free, same thing happens (demo users complaining for example).
But appreciate always every comment, specially negative criticism has lot to offer when looking development of software, it is bit same how mistakes teach so much more than successes.
Just my .02c which you are free to ignore