The online racing simulator
To the attention of the programmers of this phenomenal game - Incredible but certain.
Gentlemen when they program this phenomenal game and when they blindfold it makes sure that it goes dedicated to people with but of two front fingers. A boy French call in the game "Woolfen BBR" is the typical boy of less than 15 years that when something doesn't come out him as the one wants he decides ban to all and that without being his servant.

The servant on the contrary is quite good in the oval modality. Is the "(FM) Oval JunKLeS!".

I recommend it as much for beginner users as for experts since so much their coordinators as the layout of the circuit thanks to their added graphics they make of this servant, in my opinion, the best.

I, in their day, also made not well made things, but at the present time I am not devoted to bother people neither anything, but clear, one is not made of stone, if they insult you then your you insult, it is a law of the nature. In all ways, the problem is this boy that is seen that he has left a lot to still learn.

And without but I leave them that they make what you/they believe convenient COORDINATORS OF THE GAME, but with people as well as the boy this French one, the things will always go bad and I won't be neither the first one neither the one finishes that postee something here against human being's species.

To make matters worse and like it is known all they are already aimed to the ban with sentences like "to this, ban to this guy" (as you can see in the enclosed file) and clear as it is a since hour of children they act as such.

I hope justice is made because it is not fair the same problems are always had and but eye for a service that I have paid and for which I try to enjoy. Judge yourselves but don't manifest the guilt neither to my that I didn't make anything, alone to insult that if, neither to other members of this forum (removing the French boy) and by no means to the coordinators of that fantastic servant.

A greeting to the whole people of well, to the coordinators of the servant "(FM) Oval JunKLeS!" as much as (FM)-Failure as the rest of coordinators, and from already thank you for the borrowed attention LFS Developers.

A thing but, I would be appreciated them can answer for e-mail or by mail internal through with the result of all this. Premature thank you.
Attached images
u sound like an online translator
#3 - ebola
Oh boohoo not everyones going to be nice too you. Stop whining and just race. Find other servers if you want too. I mean, it is an oval server you were in.

Heh, well haven't you grown up alot in the last four-five months, Bart? Last time I saw you, you was trying to wreck us AS National - GTR drivers and insult our parents...your english hasn't improved much though.

Quote :The servant on the contrary is quite good in the oval modality.

Indeed, it has been said before, and the one who is most omnipotent will wield the sword of the worthy and those in the oval shall come to bow down in his presence, for he is lord.
Quote from al heeley :Indeed, it has been said before, and the one who is most omnipotent will wield the sword of the worthy and those in the oval shall come to bow down in his presence, for he is lord.

(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from KiDCoDEa :u sound like an online translator

no kidding... lol
Quote from Vendetta :I mean, it is an oval server you were in.


NOOB-O-METER [ERROR] Reboot - Data out of range

I don´t like the oval, but circuits are too difficult for me
your translation engine sux illepall
mahahahahaa This thread is great
Quote from BrainBT :your translation engine sux illepall

Maybe not. Maybe he just can't write in his native language in the first place...
awsome thread ROFL

I demand to see the full replay lol

Quote from BartoloCadiz :
I, in their day, also made not well made things, but at the present time I am not devoted to bother people neither anything, but clear, one is not made of stone, if they insult you then your you insult, it is a law of the nature.

Though learned not, from experience made also of made not well made
things. Clearly, stones devoted or perhaps not move well with change.
Quote from Hallen :Maybe not. Maybe he just can't write in his native language in the first place...

No. Online transaltors sucks, they have no idea of context and different meaning of words in other languages. That's why you always get stupid grammatical constructions and stupid words.

By the way, I would love to see you all writing in spanish Try auto-translating one of your posts so we can laugh (good mood, ok?)

Maybe he caused a wreck, or mybe not... who knows, staying in a FV8 oval server is calling for a ban. Stay in the line of someone and, bang, you are banned XDDD. Maybe he will appreciate a bit of advice.

Pasa de los servidores de oval con el Formula, están llenos de crios que creen que están ellos solos. Te doy un voto de confianza, que no hayas sido tu el que la haya liado y te hayan echado por eso Si ha sido asi, ten en cuenta que en el LFS se mira mucho la actitud online, nada de "carreras de contacto", corre limpiamente, y otra vez te lo digo, huye de los ovales. Ah, y no uses traductores automáticos
De hecho, se ha dicho antes, y el quién es la voluntad más omnipotent maneja la espada del digno y ésos en el óvalo vendrá al arco abajo en su presencia, porque él es señor.
Quote from Fonnybone :Though learned not, from experience made also of made not well made
things. Clearly, stones devoted or perhaps not move well with change.


Fonny I never laughed so hard in my life, water and things came out my nose now I have to clean my desk at work.... But it was worth it.
*hankstar voted to disconnect Babel Fish
Quote from al heeley :Indeed, it has been said before, and the one who is most omnipotent will wield the sword of the worthy and those in the oval shall come to bow down in his presence, for he is lord.

Beautiful ROTFL
funny thread, havent laughed that much at a forum thread for a wee while
"A boy French call in the game "Woolfen BBR" Nice translator LoL very funny