The online racing simulator
(67 posts, started )
Quote from wien :Whether or not you're using the silencer has a lot to do with it. If you use the silencer they usually don't get where the shot is coming from, but if you have it off they hear where you are (with pinpoint accuracy, miles away). Not sure if that was what happened to you though. That they don't lose you from sight after spotting you across the island sounds strange.

Is there any point in not using the silencer on a gun that has one? I actually like some of the game play ideas and the way you can genuinely get some choice whether to play sneaky or kill everything that moves. I'd rather not have the whole suit business though and grenades seriously need to be more powerful, I think you actually have to pick one up to get killed by it whereas any building will fall down if one is within sight
Headshots don't seem to register sometimes. It seems you have to aim at the very tops of their heads for the best chance of a hit. I thought it might be bullet drop at first but distance to the target doesn't seem to matter at all.

I don't know... I'm mostly disappointed about the AI. The environment is really nice, but it's wasted on these idiots.

And it's unforgivable to have game-breaking bugs like objective triggers not firing. This game is supposed to be a cutting-edge, grade A title and yet it's full of really basic problems that could've been fixed with just a little bit of care and attention. If it had really sophisticated-looking, difficult-to-discover/fix bugs I could understand it, but this is meat and potatoes stuff. Very poor.
I thought the same Kev, baught it with my hard earned cash thinking that I was seriously ruining my life by doing so, but in the end I spent more time installing the game than playing it.

I got up to the part where you are on your own and having to unblock yet another radio blocker thingy.

It's quite crap the way that everytime you kill someone, another guys runs around the corner and yes headshots suck, bad.

The game looks great though, I tried online and it was equally as crap, I enjoyed the Beta more.
Quote from ajp71 :I'd rather not have the whole suit business though

You don't *have* to use it. I think it adds some brilliant gameplay.
Quote from thisnameistaken :Headshots don't seem to register sometimes. It seems you have to aim at the very tops of their heads for the best chance of a hit. I thought it might be bullet drop at first but distance to the target doesn't seem to matter at all.

if your target wears a helmet it takes one shot to knock it off his head
although you can still kill them if you aim at their face

Quote :And it's unforgivable to have game-breaking bugs like objective triggers not firing. This game is supposed to be a cutting-edge, grade A title and yet it's full of really basic problems that could've been fixed with just a little bit of care and attention. If it had really sophisticated-looking, difficult-to-discover/fix bugs I could understand it, but this is meat and potatoes stuff. Very poor.

hm thats odd i managed to play through it without encoutering a single one of these
Quote from thisnameistaken :Headshots don't seem to register sometimes. It seems you have to aim at the very tops of their heads for the best chance of a hit. I thought it might be bullet drop at first but distance to the target doesn't seem to matter at all.

Without getting technical the bullet should go high with some rifles at short range. It's so they get a trajectory such that the bullet is level at a set range (usually about 300m) after which it then drops so having to aim high for close range is a bit weird.

Quote :
And it's unforgivable to have game-breaking bugs like objective triggers not firing. This game is supposed to be a cutting-edge, grade A title and yet it's full of really basic problems that could've been fixed with just a little bit of care and attention. If it had really sophisticated-looking, difficult-to-discover/fix bugs I could understand it, but this is meat and potatoes stuff. Very poor.

I've not had any of those bugs but I am disappointed with the AI and the fact that I can't run AA on current hardware.
The headshot bug is seriously annoying, yes.
Coupled with the psycho physics and weird AI there were some interesting shoot-outs I had: about 150m away from a gunners' nest, I shoot a guy in the head, blood gushes out of it into the air, the guy stands up and stutters in his place, mounts the gun again, doesn't shoot back, and I repeat the process 10-15 times before he actually dies.

Blood coming from his head, 15 times.

I'm no surgeon, doctor or field-medic, but I'm fairly sure that a korean with a freshly fired bullet lodged in his skull isn't a happy dandy korean, even less so when there are about a dozen of them stuck in his cranium.

#58 - wien
Quote from ajp71 :Is there any point in not using the silencer on a gun that has one?

I think it's more accurate when you remove it. Certainly feels that way, but that may be the placebo talking.
Doesn't the silencer take a *lot* of power out of the bullet? Real guns here, I mean.
Quote from Crashgate3 :Doesn't the silencer take a *lot* of power out of the bullet? Real guns here, I mean.

It takes a considerable amount out in the game at least.

I never once experienced a story trigger bug, although I could see why it'd be an issue if you did.

The AI is pretty weird at times, on the whole it's fine but I have had the occasional scenario where AI literally didn't die regardless of how much ammo I pumped into them etc. And the enemies on the boats are always annoying.

To those that say it doesn't look great etc, I would say there's really very little that matches it atm, as I mentioned previously, despite not being default content, some of the community mods really show off what the engine can do.
Quote from pb32000 :the enemies on the boats are always annoying.

Far Cry was like this too rememeber. If anything (I've only played the Crysis demo though) they were *more* annoying in Far Cry.
Quote from Shotglass :if your target wears a helmet it takes one shot to knock it off his head
although you can still kill them if you aim at their face

There's something not right about it though. I've shot a few helmet-wearing dudes in the back of the head - one shot - and they died. But on a few occasions I've been sitting around, cloaked, waiting for a guy to come around a corner looking for me, and each one of them received a bullet in the face for his trouble. I eventually got into the habit of firing a burst, because quite often it took more than one shot.

Typing "Crysis AI" into Youtube pulls up some funny videos.
I'm going to make a Crysis video SN
WW3 is comming soon.....USA need to eliminate China if they want to run Crysis first.

(67 posts, started )