The online racing simulator
Dedicated Windows 2k3 Server "Client: Could not recieve guest info"

I have created a dedicated server, when I try to connect I get the error "could not recieve guest info" the server console shows "New guest timed out"

This is a dedicated machine in a data center which runs many other games. ALL ports are opened.

if it is any help here is the setup.cfg:

// Example host configuration file
// How to use: LFS /cfg=setup.cfg
// Lines starting with // are ignored
// host name
/ | Get your S2 Server today!
// optional: password
// optional: admin password
// optional: InSim port
// optional: local specified ip address
// a high number below 65536
// demo/s1/s2
// no/yes/hidden
// BL1/BL1R/BL2, SO1/SO1R/SO2, etc
// weather
// cars allowed - see README.txt
// max guests that can join host
// slots reserved for admins (0 to 8)
// max cars in a race
// max cars (real+ai) on host pc
// max cars (real+ai) per guest pc
// smoothness (3-6) number of car updates per second
// qualifying minutes, 0 for no qualifying
// number of laps, 0 for practice
// if laps not specified: hours
// 0=no/1=low/2=high
// nogfx/invisible
// no/yes: can guests vote to kick or ban
// no/yes: can guests select track
// no/kick/ban/spec: wrong way drivers
// no restart within X seconds of race start
// no restart within X seconds of race finish
// no/yes: allow join during race
// no/yes: pit stop required
// no/yes: allow car reset
// no/yes: force cockpit view
// no/yes: allow wrong way driving
// fixed/finish/reverse/random: race start order
// optional: welcome message up to 200 chars
// optional: text file listing allowed tracks
// optional: message log file
// MPR autosave (0=off / 1=manual / 2=auto)
// optional: MPR folder
Assuming you get no errors on the LFS window, then you have a firewall setup either on your server, or at your service provider's network level which is preventing access to LFS. There's no other reason for it, unless the port is already in use (in which case LFS would error), or you've attempted to bind to an IP not present on the machine (in which case LFS would error).

Because LFS uses "high" ports by default and because some dc netadmins will block certain high port ranges to prevent certain types of file transfer, you may find that they have blocked it without your knowing.

There is a small possibility it's a dud download of the dedi software, but it's exceedingly unlikely.
There are 5 IP's assigned to the box.
But even if I //ip so it would use the main IP, I still get that error.
I will contact the provider if they block anything.
they are 100% there is no filtering or firewall. Any ideas?
Check netstat -anb to see if its binding to the correct IP address and port (you might want to pipe it to a text file to search later).

Assuming it's web edition, or standard, check to see whether or not the GUI is lying to you and check to see if windows firewall is actually enabled using: netsh firewall show opmode

Check to see if there are any ipsec filters which maybe doing this by using the "netsh ipsec static show all", "netsh ipsec dynamic show all" and the "netsh interface ip show config" command. it should tell you if there are any active ipsec policies (for those unaware ipsec is a method of securing IP traffic between 2 machines. It can also be used as a rudimentary firewall, which some dcs setup by default - 1and1 springs to mind, who also provides access to a shared cisco box, which you have a web frontend to, which is also active by default).

You might also want to try downloading the dedi again, just incase.
Failing that setup the logging in the cfg (/log=deb.log) and attach that here once you've restarted the dedi and tried connecting with a client
Configuración del servidor de seguridad Conexión de área local 2:
Modo funcional = Habilitar

thats the output of the command you gave. Habilitar in spanish means "enable" but not enable(d). Dunno if it is on. In the Network card propepties when I click on Firewall and click on configuration it asks if I want to enable ICS I clicked NO of course. This the Standard edition.

load bans
load font
create english file
kb : Latin 1
load objects
start intro
end of initialisation
Track loaded
New guest timed out

netstat -anb:

TCP 213.40.20.x:29339 ESTABLISHED 3752


UDP *:* 3752

Also tried to reinstall.
Sure there's nothing else? There should be something like this as well:
TCP *:* 1234
Yes there is sorry:

I have just found out, that others can join the server. However I cant, I can join all other servers though.
Do you VPN into the server by any chance, and get a LAN ip from it? Or have any other sort of tunnel into the box?
No all I do is use the Remote Desktop to connect to it.
There goes that theory then..

How are you trying to connect to the game? Using the in game list?
yep, ingame. Just tried a clean copy on my client side. Same result.