I only have blender (the free 3D render program), but it cannot import/open the .max files (I think from Ian.H's website). Could anyone provide the models or scenes please, which would work in blender so I could play around with making my own renders from my skins? If this is even possible. I'm not in linux at the moment so i can check what file types it can open if anyone needs to know.
Natively it opens and creates '.blend' files. Here's what it can import:
3D Studio (.3ds)
AC3D (.ac)
COLLADA (.dae)
DEV Object File Formats (.off)
Lightwave + Materials (.lwo)
MD2 (.md2)
Motion Capture (.bvh)
Nendo (.ndo)
Paths (.svg, .ps, .eps, .ai, Gimp)
Pro Engineer (.slp)
Radiosity (.radio)
Raw Triangle (.raw)
TrueSpace (.cob)
Wavefront (.obj)
Wings3D (.wings)
I use the latest version 2.40.
I only have blender (the free 3D render program), but it cannot import/open the .max files (I think from Ian.H's website). Could anyone provide the models or scenes please, which would work in blender so I could play around with making my own renders from my skins? If this is even possible. I'm not in linux at the moment so i can check what file types it can open if anyone needs to know.
Natively it opens and creates '.blend' files. Here's what it can import:
3D Studio (.3ds)
AC3D (.ac)
COLLADA (.dae)
DEV Object File Formats (.off)
Lightwave + Materials (.lwo)
MD2 (.md2)
Motion Capture (.bvh)
Nendo (.ndo)
Paths (.svg, .ps, .eps, .ai, Gimp)
Pro Engineer (.slp)
Radiosity (.radio)
Raw Triangle (.raw)
TrueSpace (.cob)
Wavefront (.obj)
Wings3D (.wings)
I use the latest version 2.40.