The online racing simulator
realistic improvements
(45 posts, started )
realistic improvements
Pit crews?

Updated crowds?

Chequred flag?

Possible brake balance change during racing? ( like in f1 )

Night races?

let me know wot u think......
Quote from egghed6 :Possible brake balance change during racing? ( like in f1 )

Hit F11.
#3 - joen
#4 - Resu
Quote from egghed6 :Pit crews?

Updated crowds?

Chequred flag?

let me know wot u think......

I think it would be better to keep the game "graphics wize" as simple as possible, as just focus on the physics...

Just my opinion lol
Quote from egghed6 :Pit crews?

Updated crowds?

Chequred flag?

Possible brake balance change during racing? ( like in f1 )

Night races?

let me know wot u think......

Good ideas!

I would also add better damage modeling, maybe rain, snow , fog and wet (aftermath of rainfall) Can you think of more?
Quote from egghed6 :Pit crews?

Updated crowds?

Chequred flag?

Possible brake balance change during racing? ( like in f1 )

Night races?

let me know wot u think......

Quote from speed1230 :Good ideas!

I would also add better damage modeling, maybe rain, snow , fog and wet (aftermath of rainfall) Can you think of more?

Quote from sdrjfd1 :I would like to have little dirt "off the ideal line", more than weather

All of these have been suggested before. I know all of you above are relatively new, but please search in the future.
maybe dynamic weather?
i ould really like more weather..
Better damage modeling?
LFS should have better damage modeling, my uncle tried this and when he drove the BF1 and crashes several FXRs at high speed, he said the wheels of the BF1 (or maybe some of the FXRs) should had came off. I also thought the windscreen and the other glass things on the car should shatter. The front bumpers and doors should be hanging too.

Does LFS need improvement on this?
Quote from sdrjfd1 :I would like to have little dirt "off the ideal line", more than weather

there are places iopposite to pits at FernBay Green where you have little dirt on tarmac out of racing line. Lots of more of it (and variable in amount) in different places would be welcomed
Quote from speed1230 :LFS should have better damage modeling, my uncle tried this and when he drove the BF1 and crashes several FXRs at high speed, he said the wheels of the BF1 (or maybe some of the FXRs) should had came off. I also thought the windscreen and the other glass things on the car should shatter. The front bumpers and doors should be hanging too.

Does LFS need improvement on this?

Yes, LFS needs to and will improve. It's an Alpha product, which means that all planned features aren't even implemented yet.

All suggestions in this thread have already been discussed to death during those years.
damage modelling... wheels wont fall off as far as I know the model of the car doesnt allow to brake suspension to pieces. The thing is also that damgaae modelling is more playable that realistic - we shouldnt have body wrapped in furball with wheels and suspension sticking out but this was Scawen's desicion I reckon to make it less severe.

Other things falling off the car (body, doors, spoilers, whatever) - frankly... I dont mind... I need properly moving +20 cars with decent fps than door mounts modelled for nice balancing.
Damage model is nothing right now, literally.. it really is nothing, I don't think really anything except a few bugs in it have been added to the code, but it's all far from being completed.
Just want to pitch in and give another vote to implement sand and other irregularities before rain.

Rain is a far less frequent ocurrance during a season than dirt on the track.
If it can be implemented so sand gets blown on the track by the wind, and cars who go offroad leave some sand behind for X meters (similar to the allready implemented dirty tires) it would make the racing alot more interesting even if u know the track inside out.

Even oil from damaged engines and gearboxes or changing grip over time on the racingline and marbles offline are more important simwise then rain in my opinion.
#15 - col
Quote from Noccy :Just want to pitch in and give another vote to implement sand and other irregularities before rain.

I think you're wasting your energy with this argument

The biggest difficulty in implementing rain is the same as for implementing sand on track, marbles, varying track temps etc. so if we get one, we will most likely get the others at the same time !

The Very Difficult Thing is to have any kind of variable real-time interactive surfaces on the track - for rain that would mean having puddles, dry lines forming where more cars go etc.... for dirt/sand that would mean cars rejoining leaving a mess that alters the grip characteristics of the track at that point.... for 'marbles' it would again be similar (the calculations to decide where to change the grip characteristics would be different for each, but thats a comparatively trivial problem)

The big difficulty isn't making it look like wet or dirt - that's simple enough - the trick is coping with the huge amount of dynamic data required to manage all these elements during a race - getting this to work without requiring all users to have top end systems will be VERY difficult indeed.
(Then you have the problem of ensuring that all racers on a network have the same dirt/wet in the same places...)

All things considered, this is a big and difficult problem, and when it does eventually get solved (maybe just by waiting for PCs and 'tinternet to get faster), it opens the way not only for dirt, marbles and wet, but for stuff like rally tracks having rutts that change dynamically, and stuff like snow and ice ...

So there's no point in saying "don't do rain, do sand instead" - they're really the same thing !
Im afraid they arent the same thing. I can imagine Scawen coding all these dynamic things at once and 50% of the userbase comming here to complain about how the game became unplayable.

If a simple graphicsupdate of South City allready causes problems for some, i can't imagine their Pc's coping with several dynamic additions at once.
Plus the fact that we would have to wait months or years for it all to be finished and then implemented.
So id rather see Scawen add these things one by one, as his schedule permits and the average persons hardware improves slowly
Quote from egghed6 :Pit crews? - LFS's engine isn't advanced enough to simulate this yet

Updated crowds? - hmm, maybe, but LFS's engine isn't advanced enough to simulate this yet

Chequred flag? - LFS's engine isn't advanced enough to simulate this yet

Night races? - LFS's engine isn't advanced enough to simulate this yet

let me know wot u think......

All the suggestions are good, but they have been suggested many times before, and I don't think we'll be getting these before S3. But they're good anyway.
#18 - col
Quote from Noccy :Im afraid they aren't the same thing.

Obviously they aren't exactly the same thing - sand is sand and water is water.
The point is that by far the biggest and most challenging part of the implementation of any one of these features would be a more general system that would be used for all of them anyway.
With this in mind, you should be able to see that Scawen would want to develop these features as a whole rather than one at a time - this means he is less likely to cause problems for himself at a later time.. e.g. it works for sand, then 3 months later he discovers it doesn't work for water and... oops, the sand needs to be re-coded along with the rest of the system
Quote :
I can imagine Scawen coding all these dynamic things at once and 50% of the userbase comming here to complain about how the game became unplayable.

Thats going to happen with every incompatible update - it always has and always will.
If these features are released one at a time, then there will be negative reactions at each release... at least if they are all released together, the negative whining will only happen once.
Quote :

Plus the fact that we would have to wait months or years for it all to be finished and then implemented.

As I've explained (IMO) the majority of the work will be code that is shared by all of these features.
Quote :

So id rather see Scawen add these things one by one, as his schedule permits and the average persons hardware improves slowly

I think you are missing the point - implementing one of these dynamic track features will be a huge hit on performance - adding more wont make much difference. It's the change in the way track data must me managed and processed that is most significant

no dynamic track => 1 dynamic feature (e.g.sand) = huge performance hit
1 dynamic feature => 2 or more = very little difference in performance

The way I see it, the only sensible reason for choosing to release some but not other dynamic track features is that the quality is not acceptable - e.g. marbles and sand might work well and look good, but water might just look too unrealistic, in which case the water would be left out until the system was re-designed at some later date.

Personally my hunch is that we won't be seeing dynamic track features for a long time, but when we do, there will be more than one, and they will work well and look good (=subtle). I would guess marbles, grippy racing line, temps, sand/dirt... not so sure about water unless its kept to wet or dry but no puddles and no actual rain.


yep, dynamic changes would be resourceful - but different amount of sand or dust wouldnt hurt - drive once righthandside of pits at FEgreen and you will see how live it looks, and its just using the features we have now.
the best thing would be that when you drive over grass your tires shoul be slipper and it should be much harder to handle the car
Quote from faasan :the best thing would be that when you drive over grass your tires shoul be slipper and it should be much harder to handle the car

That already happens - dirt on tyres decreases grip.
Quote from JO53PHS :That already happens - dirt on tyres decreases grip.

well i havend fell it before if it realy is like that it should be stronger
It's strong enough already. Drive on the grass at speed, and feel it instantly. The only trouble is the grass isn't 'rough' enough.
Quote from faasan :well i havend fell it before if it realy is like that it should be stronger

if that is real so then next should be 1)if some of the racers goes on grass and back to the track then trac should be dirty and thet dirt will stick to other racers wheels and other racer's tyres will be slippy 2) if driver crashes to other driver and there could be oil leak wich will make other's tyres very very slippy and they'll crash one way another 3) thirdly the most biggest minus DAMAGE -- one cool thing would be if you crash and your tyre will fly away from your car-- one more cool damage would be if spoilers,bumpers etc would come off the car (like in Colin McRae rally) thats all from ME
Quote from tristancliffe :It's strong enough already. Drive on the grass at speed, and feel it instantly. The only trouble is the grass isn't 'rough' enough.

Yeah it does seem a bit 'Icy' and too smooth

realistic improvements
(45 posts, started )