There is this one thing that has a bit bothered me with hotlaps. As I see it hotlapping is quite lonely stuff to do and there is no interaction with other hotlappers (on lfsw).
So I thought, add comments to hotlaps. In the same way as you can leave comments about news on lfsnews users could leave comments about their own and others hotlaps. Sometimes when you go under someone's hotlap you might want to leave some comments about it (
). Obviously one problem would be moderation since hotlapping can get a bit hot sometimes but I think this could be solved with similar "report post" buttons as we have on this forum. This same reporting thing could be used to report shady hotlaps as well.
So I thought, add comments to hotlaps. In the same way as you can leave comments about news on lfsnews users could leave comments about their own and others hotlaps. Sometimes when you go under someone's hotlap you might want to leave some comments about it (