The online racing simulator
Bad resolution :?
(9 posts, started )
Bad resolution :?
Why when i make my skin on 2048X2048 resolution and after that i resize it to 1024X1024 i have a blur on my decals :S very nasty!!! How can i fix that Becouse i can't use my skin at at 2048X2048
ok, with resizing the skin, it is normal for decals to lose their quality. After all, they are resized 4 times less!

But maybe you have a different problem, can u post an example?
Quote from TAYLOR-MANIA :Would it not be wise to just use 1024x1024 to start with so WYSIWYG? I don't understand why people start with 2048x2048 only to resize it & loose 1/2 of it's quality?
Also isn't there a load more stretching when skinning @ 2048? (as you can tell, I don't skin too much)

But what I do anyway is upload it to LFSW (@1024) and use the 2048 skin for myself, so atleast I get to see the decent skin

You'll get the stretching wether you skin at 512, 1024, 2048, 4096... The easiest solution is to make the skin wider whilst skinning (1280x1024, 2560x2048, 5120x4096) and then when the skin is complete, resize it to its squared resolution and you will have no stretching.

As for the quality when saving a 1024 skin, not sure about other programs but Photoshop gives you an option when saving a .jpeg to compress it, 1 being highest compression with poor image quality and 12 being lowest compression with highest image quality.

Look around in the options of your program and see if there is something about .jpeg compression/quality etc.
Shur here is and example

Can my skin be fixed?
Attached images
2048 resolution.jpg
1024 resolution.jpg
I can't see anything wrong with the skin from those screenshots. Having no AA or AF on might make the skin look a little worse than what it already is.

Attach the skin file or PM me it if it's a private one and I'll see if it's the skin or just the way it's viewed in the viewer.
Quote from LFSn00b :Yes there is a small blur but its expected because the Skinfile is 2x smaller than the original one.

Will be fixed if i edit the skin on 1024 resoltion and past again the front decals
Btw:how can i attach file on PM
make sure not to use paint or microsoft picture viewer to resize the pictures. Photoshop does the job much better, especially with CF and smaller logos
Today i resize it with Photoshop but it is a little much better

Bad resolution :?
(9 posts, started )