The online racing simulator
#1 - richy
help with master skinnerz helmet kit (old)
hi, a bit of help needed to skin my own helmet...

ive gone to the master skinnerz forum and gotten the helmet kit from there to start doing the skin,

i used their kits before and the wire frame is really helpful

but on the helmet kit rar file there is a wire.psd and a mask.psd

how do i get that wire frame into the mask psd so then i can use it as a guide??

i can go by eye but its not the same
#2 - richy
ok i just select all and pasted it into the other psd and this is what it looks like...

its attached

is the wire frame in the right place is there meant to be that tiny gap at the edges. looks ok to me but im unsure...
Attached images
HEL_MASK_1024 copy.jpg
#3 - Smax
Not quite sure what you're driving at.

The black mask is there, because it keeps the eventual file size down. It's to do with the way .jpg compression works, #000000 [plain black] compresses to a smaller size than most other colours.

I've never been quite sure why the white/grey areas in the kits are slightly larger than the wireframes, but the edge of the wireframe is the point at which a panel joins the next as the game wraps the skin arond the model. Thus you should consider the edges of the wireframe to be the edges of your skin.

I hope that answers your question [as I understand it].
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
The edges around the wireframe are normal, and is just a bit of leeway between the mask and the actual skinnable area. At hi resolutions (say 2048) whilst you make the skin/helmet, the CMX viewer or in game will never have to use this buffer zone. but as soon as you decrease the file size, the odd pixel here and there in that buffer zone might get used, and it's better to have it the colour of the skin than the colour of the mask, otherwise you'd get black splodges on your skins.
#5 - richy
ok, dont want any white pixels showing or anything so ill fill those areas in the same colours
