actually.. i was talking to roadhog about this whole thing, we DEFINETLY should have 3d headlights by S3, it really doesnt take as much FPS as you may think it would, as of right now, you can make outsanding looking headlights and brake lights with plenty of polys to spare if you used as many polys as there are on probably 1 wheel (obvoiusly with 4 wheels, you could make it look pretty real)
all it takes is a box with 4 tri's intersecting in the center, move that center vertex inwards, put a ball (which can consist of 5 polys if you wanted) and then 4 tris or more to make up the glass, and then a texture
that would be nice.. and wouldnt take up to many resources either
but right now.. i mean some cars are okay without 3d headlights/brakelights, but cars like the XR's .. dunno, something about them that just doesnt look right compared to the others
then headlights wise.. we need pop up lights