The online racing simulator
Created PHP base insim program, that allows addons....
You can download at SourceForge

PHPLFS Version 1.1a
(requires PHP5)

It contains a base program, dealing with all InSim communications, player leaves, joins, disconnects, etc.

Uses classes for each ISP type, i.e. class IS_TINY {...
I have almost all written in this release.

To customize it, write a class <yourprog>.inc and place in programs/ directory. Then call it:

php -q PHPLFS.php <yourprog>

See the example:

Code docs can be found at

I'll have more information to follow. Let me know what you think. I haven't tested on Windows yet.

#2 - ReVoX
Wow, nice one!, go to see the proyet.
I just noticed some bugs in the D1GP package, wait until 1.1 for that..
Dude, freaking awesome!
Quote from Dygear :Dude, freaking awesome!

Kinda makes your insim worthless now? Or do you have something planned

Good work btw, Nice app.
Just released new version, lots of little updates.
Nothing from Dygear is worthless!! you should know that by now.


Sounds interesting
I keep getting the flowing every now and then (ID varies).
I guess it's causing the buffer to fill up which make users get disconnected.

Unhandled packet. ID: 32

Other than that, really nice work
The unhandled packets are packets of classes I have not written yet. I am adding more each release. Next release in a day or so. It is not a buffer error or anything like that. =)
So is that related to the error which is causing users to disconnect?
I read somewhere that unhandled packets would cause the buffer to build up causing disconnection. Not sure if that's correct or not.

Edit: The error which came up was WOULDBLOCK

The worked okay from what i tested but TrackDebug seems to play up a lot.
One user couldn't even leave pits. Not too sure what caused it.
No thats because probably the program you are running is sending IS_BTN's every 50seconds (the MCI interval). I've written a function into the 'Program' base class (Version 1.2 or higher) to take care of that.

in the MCI updates:

use $this->updateButton(new IS_BTN(...))

instead of

$this->server->sendp(new IS_BTN(...))

This function will only send the update if the button changes.

Also I updated the TrackDebug in 1.2 to only display updates every second (or so).

Lemme know!

Great! That's nice to know.
How long until we can expect the next release?

Edit - Dw just found it one source forge! thanks - can't wait to test it out.

When someone resets InSim (by pressing shift+i) the InSim dies out until the user pits.
I guess it's because the BTN settings is not sent over which is casing the invalid BTN dimensions error
(which also appears when once person resets insim).

I'm new to this so i'm unsure which packet would be able to detect a reset in the user side insim, i took
a look in the InSim.txt - couldn't find anything.

Let me know what you think.
Just tried it now Nabz and it does die out But.... the points still add up
