The online racing simulator
Denial of S2 license
(28 posts, started )
Quote from duke_toaster : I don't think a pre-emptive ban for demo wreckers would be possible though.

Why not?, my understanding of UK law is that there is no obligation for company to sell it's products to anyone. If Scavier et al decide that bad competitive behaviour on the demo servers precludes that person from owning an license that is their privilege.

Having said that, I have to admit I had forgotten about the extra content that can be accessed off line with a licence.

Maybe the solution is simply to ban the users in the master server, (rather than on a server by server basis), and use a more complex log in registration system as I make no distinction between demo and license racers, if banned as a demo user the ban is still in place even if you should then go on to purchase a license.

I'm a strong believer in previous behaviour being an accurate predicter of future behaviour. I strongly believe that if shown to be a cheat/wrecker in demo servers you should be precluded from being able to use licensed servers.

Also, it's important to remember the promise of better quality racing as a licensed user that is currently being made by the developers. They need to be seen to be taking steps to make good on that promise in my opinion.
Quote from gezmoor :I'm a strong believer in previous behaviour being an accurate predicter of future behaviour. I strongly believe that if shown to be a cheat/wrecker in demo servers you should be precluded from being able to use licensed servers.

Can't agree with you there. Especially on such trivial stuff as (online) computer games, growing up both physically and mentally can change the way a person behaves a lot. That money is involved and that banning is so much more effective is a pretty good motivation to stay clean, too.

Of course there can be exceptions and there might be some people who just want to ruin the fun of others AND don't have an issue with spending money on it. But just from demo behaviour you really cannot tell whether that's a guy going through his idiot teenager years or if he's really a permanent antisocial jerk.

E: Though I'd have nothing against globally banning S2 licensed racers who are caught cheating for a year or two. The amount of threads that appear every time a new hack is released, showing mprs of licensed racers cheating is quite surprising.
While this is a good idea, I'm sure the devs won't implement it. Why you ask. Because they want money Tilt. They can just throw a online ban to that user if the user continues the same in S2.

Denial of S2 license
(28 posts, started )