I was able to take it back to the shop and get my money back, pretty simple really, I just said why I didn't like it and job done. Didn't really have to explain myself either, just asked if I could have a refund and that was it.
If anyone is thinking of getting the U600 I would say DON'T! The touch screen style call buttons were way too sensitive and I kept calling people when I didn't mean to, ending things I didn't want to and the touch sensitivity options didn't apply to them.
You also couldn't turn off the navigation tones (that only applied to the number keys) so you had to turn the volume right down to stop the constant and low quality noises to stop and the hiss noise got worse the more you moved around with out a break for the tone to end.
It was VERY slow compared to my K800i, especially in accessing the memory card, a good 3 or 4 seconds before folders opened, music (same goes when playing music, a long wait for the next track to load) or videos started and pictures loaded. All that with the k800i is basically instant.
The camera needed a lot of tweaking to get a good picture, if you leave it as it came everything is too dark, needed constant
tweaking to get a good picture and it was slow.
You couldn't select default location for contacts, sim or phone, unless you want a double of every name. You have move all to the phone then delete everything from the sim, not a good idea.
You couldn't use a tone and vibrate for messages, either tone only or vibrate only.
And the biggy, you couldn't see the screen in sun light at all.
Too be fair it did have a few good points, it looked great, the video camera recording quality was 10 times better than the k800, even though it did take ages to save or load up (but the picture quality was worse).
Glad I've gone back to my trusty k800i, it is a much better phone, even though it is a little big. Sony Ericsson do everything I want, think I'll stick with them next time.
Thanks for the advice all and sorry for the long post but I had to get it off my chest