The online racing simulator
[F1] Turkey 2008 Grand Prix *SPOILERS*
Ferraris look really strong in the first two practises i didn't see what happened in the third so ill have to wait till the results come up on the site.

Webber crashed in the 2nd Practise no injurys reported.

and Fisichella is penalised 3 spots for the race due to going through a red light at the end of the pit lane during practise yesterday.
w t h . . . .

Anyways... I am stunned by RBR's performance in the last practice, and wow the times are so damn close. This better be a good race!
Webber said he was going to go hard next practise after his crash, i guess he was right.
Qualifying is now on!
Massa 1st in Q1, Toyotas look strong with Glock 4th and Trulli 5th.

Piquet rubbish as always 17th.
massa very nice 1.27 time in Q3

So its Massa

Mclaren faster this weekend?
Yeah he gets pole, Kimi got 4th which must of been somewhat of a dissapointment, the McLarens are in between them. Heidfeld is either on a heavy load or he is really stuffing up his qualifiying this year(9th).

Good job by Webber he gets 6th.
Hamilton must be pissed seeing how Kovalainen got infront of him. Good lap for Massa, Kimi... Don't know. lol
Quote from thisnameistaken :???

Stupidest thing I've seen this week, and it's been a stupid week.

blame the sponsors.

thought Honda can do better
Massa will win then, that´s the kind of race he likes
A somehow boring qualifying. That format needs to be changed asap.

Very disappointed with Heidfeld again. He's probably on more fuel than Kubica as always, but it seems he just doesn't get along with the car this year.

Good job by Massa, Kovalainen, Webber and Trulli. And Vettel will hopefully finish a race for once.
Half an hour, 12 laps, low fuel. Qualifying tyres (or at least tyres used just for qualifying, even if they are the same compound as the race tyres).

Every lap less than 12 (including in and out laps) results in a one place drop on the grid, thus encouraging track time, and giving lots of traffic for the drivers to cope with.

Perhaps have two qualifying sessions, with the best from both counting, so it's possible to have a mix up. One session in the morning, another in the afternoon, so ambient/track temperatures and wind are more likely to change. Have support races in between to take up F1 rubber, so they don't know what it's going to be like.

Allow setup changes in qualifying, and no parc ferme conditions afterwards, just as long as it's the same car, engine, gearbox - i.e. no qualifying specials, just race cars optimised for qualifying.

Maybe not perfect, but the details could be refined by the powers that be to make it workable.
Ferrari rulez! Hope Räikko can beat the McLarens
That's actually a pretty good system Tristan. Why we still have parc-ferme conditions I do not know. The idea behind it was to make sure no 'qualifying special' engines were used to bring costs down, but now we have specific rules regarding engine changes anyway the parc-ferme rules are a bit obsolete.

Admittedly there is no perfect system but surely qualifying should be all about outright speed and leave all the fuel loads and strategy for Sunday afternoon.
Hopefully this will be an interusting race...
It's getting boring seeing the same race over and over. Ferrari's in front, McLaren behind them and every overtaking oppertunity behind ends up in a crash -_-.

Anyways, hopefully this one will have some action.
I'd really rather just have the current system, but allow tyrechange/refueling in Q3 and after - just no setupchanges(meaning, refuel after qual, tyre chance -> parc ferme).
So cars would go into Q3 with their race setups but low on fuel - ensuring some fast times, but no krazy tyre shredding car destroying qual sets.
With no lap limit.

Oh and yeah, wider and shorter front wings, (to catch air in slipstream better) and thinner and taller rear wings, so the drafting car bias is less towards understeer. As it is, even faster cars just drop down to .5secs behind a slower car else they cant do bends at all
Quote from MTV3.FI :5. sija: 1 (Luis Hamilton 2007, 2. lähtöruudusta)

Awhahahaaa... this mispelling thingy is spreading to our medias also
Quote from hyntty :Awhahahaaa... this mispelling thingy is spreading to our medias also

All according to plan
(Dmt) DELETED by Dmt
Eh nothing really surprising in quali for me. I was only surprised when the Red Bull's weren't out in Q3.

The Hamilton video is hilarious! If you watch closely even he cracks a smile at how stupid he looks.
I'm glad McLaren are back up to the pace, I was bit worried after the last GP that Ferrari would be able to walk away with it this year. Of course the race itself may tell a different story. I want a Hekki win now please.
Quote from tristancliffe :One session in the morning, another in the afternoon, so ambient/track temperatures and wind are more likely to change.

TV's will not get this option

Anyway... qualy system must be redefined for sure.