The online racing simulator
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k thx i didn't know what that did.
It's how we get the mods attention to people who talk crap.
Quote from Luke.S :k thx i didn't know what that did.

Then why didn't you just click it and find out.

Quote from wild :At the top of the post, There's a warning sign with an I in it

Quote from Kristjan.J :Right top corner on blue line of the post, you can see a triangle what has '!' in.

Once again, the native English speaker is beaten by someone who isn't. Although an exclamation mark in a triangle is probably somewhat universal. "I" indeed. /me shakes head

Quote from dawesdust_12 :It's how we get the mods attention to people who talk crap.

Then why don't you post directly into the report box.
Hey, it does let me try to report my own posts, so I guess I can do that now Bob, instead of posting. You haffto admit, sometimes my reported posts are vaguely funny.
Quote :From my perspective I reported the post, it was deleted and that was it. Shouldn't I (as the reporter) have been informed of any action taken? Should we have a public list of infractions so people can see what's going on?

Why? What would that achieve? Not in terms of your own satisfaction but in the terms of running the forum and community more smoothly? Sometimes you just have to trust, as a member of the community, that wrong things are dealt with without your seeing everything going on behind the scenes. Too many cooks and all that.
Quote from amp88 the Bad Jokes Thread.

Enough said.

I made a joke about Russians in that thread? Why didn´t you report me? Or don´t report a person who makes a joke about blondes or the French or chavs or your mama? It´s just a joke, a bad one at that so very relevant to that thread. It doesn´t mean that the person is really thinking that way. Some people need to take things less seriously.
OMG - Al Heeley is back
Quote from Kalev EST :Enough said.

I made a joke about Russians in that thread? Why didn´t you report me? Or don´t report a person who makes a joke about blondes or the French or chavs or your mama? It´s just a joke, a bad one at that so very relevant to that thread. It doesn´t mean that the person is really thinking that way. Some people need to take things less seriously.

if he only cared about my joke then he is obiously racist towards russians if he didn't report your post. So he targeting me because i am younger than him.
#35 - wild
Quote from Luke.S :if he only cared about my joke then he is obiously racist towards russians if he didn't report your post. So he targeting me because i am younger than him.

Explain to me exactly how that makes him racist towards Russians? He doesn't target you specifically he was merely using you as an example!
If you look in his camping suplies thread he is targeting me there and telling me i should have been banned and not to post in his threads again so if that isn't bullying i don't know what is.

And if he didn't care about russian jokes he is obiously racist towards them.
#37 - wild
Quote from Luke.S :If you look in his camping suplies thread he is targeting me there and telling me i should have been banned and not to post in his threads again so if that isn't bullying i don't know what is.

And if he didn't care about russian jokes he is obiously racist towards them.

Well i can't read every single post posted in this forum.

He cares about racism Full Stop! He probably missed out the post its not impossible.
Quote from Luke.S :If you look in his camping suplies thread he is targeting me there and telling me i should have been banned and not to post in his threads again so if that isn't bullying i don't know what is.

And if he didn't care about russian jokes he is obiously racist towards them.

Probably because you posted a totally useless list of items that was supposed to be funny, in a serious thread. If you posted in a serious thread of mine pretty much taking the p*** out of the thing I was doing, why shouldn't I be able to bash you for it?

The bit about the russian jokes? What? Because he doesn't care about a russian joke, he's suddenly racist towards them?

Nice logic there.
with the camping suplies jeremy clarkson took those apart from computer related items so it is quite logical.
Quote from Luke.S :with the camping suplies jeremy clarkson took those apart from computer related items so it is quite logical.

He did that with a large sum of money and entertainment in mind. I don't think Amp's camping trip is going to be broadcasted to millions of people across the world.

All i'm getting at it just think a bit before you post. If you think about what your writing you save yourself looking a right plonker.
I am a plonker and proud of it.
Quote from Luke.S :And if he didn't care about russian jokes he is obiously racist towards them.

Firstly, Russians isn´t a race, neither is English, French, Estonians, etc.

And secondly, he isn´t "racist" because he didn´t get offended about my Russian joke. The whole point of my post was that people shouldn´t get offended by silly jokes because 99% of the time, people who tell them don´t think that way. As in... it´s just a joke.
Quote from Kalev EST :Firstly, Russians isn´t a race, neither is English, French, Estonians, etc.

And secondly, he isn´t "racist" because he didn´t get offended about my Russian joke. The whole point of my post was that people shouldn´t get offended by silly jokes because 99% of the time, people who tell them don´t think that way. As in... it´s just a joke.

You got a very good point there. I think the report shouldn't have happend in the first place (even as an example ;-)). What's wrong with a racist joke? If it's funny, so be it. It's not because I laugh with a joke I also believe in it. It's like sadistic humor, you shouldn't really laugh with it, but it can be funny!
Just because it's funny doesn't make it alright, if you said that to someone on the street that took it as offensive then you would get done from the police (or a good kicking), some people need to think before they post and realise that you can't say crap just because your on the internet and not face to face with the person your saying it to.

Before posting something like that, think to yourself if i was stood near say 20 people of whom it might offend would any of them turn round and give me an uppercut through saying what i want to post, if the answer is yes then don't post it, if you think not, post it but at your own risk.
Quote from Glenn67, from a long dead thread:

Quote :I rear-ended another car this morning.
I tell you, I knew right then and there that it was going to be a REALLY bad day!
The driver got out of the other car, and wouldn't you know it...
He was a DWARF!!
He looked up at me and said "I am NOT Happy!"
So I said, "Well, then, which one ARE you?"
And that's how the fight started.

Sorry for those who remember it too well, and sorry for all short sized persons named Happy - this is only a joke and surely does not reflect the opinions of ... or any of its ... and ...
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :I would hate a world where you can't tell a joke because it might offend someone.

Someone is always offended.

Besides nowadays white people can only tell jokes about white people. If you happen to be black you can then tell jokes about black people. If you are a muslim you can tell jokes about muslims. etc. This is just stupid.

I call it racism if I can't tell a certain joke just because of my race.
So then, a fat, gay, black, former-muslim person in a wheel chair that has recently married a jewish asian can cite jokes from the entire Mirthopaedia and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
He'd haffto be a polygamist with a penguin xao, but then yeah...

I think people take humour far too seriously, and need to just calm down. Racism is bad when it's "Yo! Dood! Look at that black guy, I bet he's lazy", but in the name of reasonable comedy, I think it should be acceptable to stereotype, so long as it doesn't go over the top.

Could you imagine how unfunny some movies would be if they were realistic, rather than use stereotypes? Imagine if in Knocked Up, all the pot guys held real jobs, not being the stereotypical jobless stoner? That'd have ruined an entire scene. Might be a bad example, but I'm ****ing half asleep.
(BurnOut69) DELETED by BurnOut69 : whoop de rop
Quote from Kalev EST :Firstly, Russians isn´t a race, neither is English, French, Estonians, etc.

And secondly, he isn´t "racist" because he didn´t get offended about my Russian joke. The whole point of my post was that people shouldn´t get offended by silly jokes because 99% of the time, people who tell them don´t think that way. As in... it´s just a joke.

If 'racism' is not the correct English word to describe hatress towards a nation or nationality, then what is?

I've also been corrected of using 'racism' wrongly, but in Finnish we only have that 'racism' word afaik
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